Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Annabelle is four.
Inexcusably too late, but she's worth the page time even if I'm almost two months behind. After all, this blog is for me to cherish who they are, where they're going, and what we've accomplished. All tucked away in my own little corner of the 'www' to remember and read in years to come.So here it goes:
My big (little) girl turned 4 years old on September 15th. Her birthday party boasted a whole lot of princess-ness and she lit up the room with all her excitement. After the worst Summer in my friend's and family's history, her princess extravaganza steered us away from sadness and helped us focus on the beauty of life. Her life.
Annabelle is full of life... and drama. I tell R. jay constantly that the very thing I adore about her - the enthusiastic expressions at color/furniture/decor changes, pretty clothes, music, and seeing familiar faces- can sometimes be the thing I pull my hair out over with her - dramatic tears over a scratched knee or food not being placed perfectly on her plate. At the end of each day I still wouldn't change a thing about her.
She loves dress up and probably always will. Most days I can't convince to wear normal clothes. If you stop over at any given moment she will most likely show you her latest frilly choice in clothing and newest dance moves. Dance class is the highlight of her week and her third year into it is showing some great progress!
Give her a pencil and (a lot of) paper and she will sit for hours. She can spell her first name and is now learning to keep those 9 letters in some sort of form on a line instead of strewn in various sizes across the page.
She begs to do "school" almost constantly. School work consists of alphabet, letters, and shapes. Weather, calendar, and patterns. She has one large workbook she zips through and is almost full of her learning! Simple but fun.
I have to remind her almost daily that I am Bennett's mother and she isn't, but she is an amazing helper. Dinner or baking cannot be done without her. I swear she hears me set a bowl down on the counter and she comes running.
She has a quiet (sometimes not!) voice and a tiny body. She is gentle and kind. She praises others when they succeed and loves to tell people how beautiful they are.
We are so blessed to call this 4-year-old Annabelle Rose ours!

Heather Dowling at 1:25 PM