Wednesday, July 23, 2008

things that haven't changed

Sometimes I still pause throughout my day and watch my baby girl, amazed that she's here, she's ours, and I am her mother. Every day I seem to notice some small thing (or large - like a little person!) to remind me how much my life has changed in the last 5 years. It seems life is an ocean and time is a sweeping wave that crashes and vanishes all too quickly in a constant state of change. That's how I feel lately. One day my little sister was this pudgy little 8 year old, lets be honest, driving me crazy. The next? A 16-year-old young woman with plans and dreams, who has now become my peer. Change can be absolutely beautiful and absolutely frightening.

Then there are things that haven't changed. Like that phone call this morning from my dear grandfather. "Hello Heather Joanie!" It seems that multiple years, a husband, and a baby later doesn't change my status as "little heather joanie" in Grandpa's mind. I like that. Or even, that in 3 1/2 years of marriage my husband still thinks I'm the greatest girl in the world. I love that.

There is a Constant above the insane pace of time and change. A Constant that calms my fears and slows my day down for a bit. A Constant that is so solid, even in the middle of my changing heart. Christ hasn't ever changed. I adore that.

Heather Dowling at 10:33 AM


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

10 months old, today

Today, 10 months feels like an instant. Why does it all have to go by so fast? Yet, here we are. At attempts at walking and pretend phone conversations.
I have no idea how much Annabelle weighs now. Her last doctor's appointment was at 6 1/2 months old. The babe and I are off to North Carolina next month for 3 weeks, and I'm sure we'll get a free weight/height check at my mom's clinic at some point.
Today we got Lincoln Logs. (This explains the above picture.) Annabelle is enthralled in figuring out these crazy 'blocks' and toppling over log homes daddy tries building. I've always wanted a set and found this big bunch for only $12 on craigslist. Love it!
Summer is super fun. With a baby, its even more fun. So, my lack of posts rests in the excuse of summer with a baby. Moms club events, outings with Aunt Gina, walks, parks, beaches, and more. We're having a fun with-baby summer.

Heather Dowling at 4:59 PM


Saturday, July 05, 2008

up and running again

I've returned to the great big world of blogging. Its pretty much completely insane how much I missed being on the computer. How amazing that we actually went through out days without checking our email, browsing blogs, and rummaging through craigslist ads 20 years ago, and weren't bored. Crazy.

Annabelle managed to stay awake for some 4th of July fireworks. Her bright big eyes glancing up at me between flashes of light and big booms along with her famous ear-to-ear grin completed our wonderfully American 4th of July family day. Super fun.

My sister, Gina, pretty much rocks. Its nice to have an extra pair of hands around the house to hold the baby at any given minute. She's goofy and fun and entertains my little girl all day long. She's entertaining me too - you have no idea how hilarious she is.

So, most of the following pictures are compliments of said great sister. Enjoy!
Swinging at our local park.
Staring at the animals at the zoo with her cousin, Riley.
At the zoo, hanging out in the bear cave.
Crazy face. Crazy hair.
Happy 4th of July!
Hanging out in Alex Bay.

Watching fireworks with Nana Dowling.

Heather Dowling at 10:23 PM
