Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I'm freezing. My fingers are colorless & my rings are falling off. If it wasn't for the cute pregnant girl that sits 5ft from me in this office I would be turning on the heat. But because she is pregnant and sweats at the slightenest warmth for the next 5 months, I'll give her some grace.

I made apple dumplings last night. So fun.

I have a fun story ( or creepy). I took my car to Fuccillo Mitsubishi Monday. After an hour of waiting, my patience was thinning and I began to complain under my breath. Then he came. "You're all set - sorry for the wait, your car is out this way." FINALLY! - I thought. I hopped into my mitsubishi lancer and to my surprise a pink carnation was staring back at me. After telling Jackie of this story I've come to this conclusion: Either I have secret admirer at Fuccillo Mitsubishi or perhaps the Lord was perfection my patience in my time of selfishness. Hmmm?

I love autumn. I love that I have a wise husband who is preparing our home for a cold winter.

I need more coffee...

Heather Dowling at 12:25 PM



at 3:47 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe someone put it ito the wrong car? What if some poor guy thought he was going to get out of the doghouse by surprising his woman with a flower and you drove off with it!?

Its still wierd, though. Who would bring flowers to a car dealership?

at 4:59 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Wow, how weird. Well what every happened... God meant it for YOU!
What is going on Nov. 5th. I am so excited!!!

at 7:38 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since October is breast cancer awareness month my guess is that they were giving them away to ladies for that reason. It's weird that a car dealership would do it but maybe they have personally been touched by breast cancer.

at 10:57 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

The authors are Tracie Peterson - my first choice, but I've read all of her books availible to me - and Lori Wick - fluffy but good 'turn off the brain' kinda stuff.

Did you have a chance to talk to R.Jay about the fish? The only reason I'm asking is that we told her we'd get them sometime next week. Lael started picking out dog toys in the store the other night before she remembered we don't have a dog. :( The fish accessories distracted her pretty well. No big rush, I was just curious.

Have a good time this weekend!!

wow this was a long comment...

at 12:12 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be around tonight. We can chat while you sit in the driveway and R.Jay looks out the window wondering what on earth his strange wife is doing!

Blogs are fun. You can't hear my girls fighting or me disciplining!

at 8:32 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the Suburu dealers give out carnations whenever you get any work done.


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