Thursday, October 13, 2005

Well I'm Off...

Tomorrow we leave at 8am for Pittsburgh, PA. I don't usually get excited for small trips but I'm completely thrilled for this one. God is equipping me and training us as a couple and our church for something huge. How could I not be overwhelmingly thrilled? Besides the fact I have three days of being ministered to by great men of God and get to enjoy each moment with my bestfriend ( my hubby) right by my side all weekened!!!

Well it's Breast Cancer Awarness month so I've learned and that is most likely the reason for the beautiful pink carnation that was left in my car Monday. I think I try to live in an idealist's world.

I've realized, last night, that one of my most favorite things to do is enjoy a good cup of coffee and a great conversation with my mother-in-law. She's just wonderful! She's a patient woman of God and her faith sometimes makes me realize I'm not stepping out enough. I love being challenged.

I got a pumpkin muffin at Dunkin Donuts that is beckoning me....

Heather Dowling at 12:59 PM



at 1:46 PM Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Heather. The pumkin muffins at Dunkin Donuts are awesome. Your right having coffee with mom is the best. I miss her when she is at work and I want to get together with her. If you want to check me out I'm at make sure and leave me a comment. Love yeah babe.

at 2:50 PM Blogger Darlene Sinclair said...

Thanks for the encouraging words - life is busy for sure and you young wives and moms amaze me. Keep up the good work!

at 8:02 AM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Have a great time....
I Miss You ;-)


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