Thursday, November 10, 2005

On the road again...

Well we're off yet again... leaving this afternoon for Utica, NY. Mount Zion Church hosts a large youth conference that our youth group has attended faithully for several years now. This year will be my second, and I'm excited. Last year was unbelieveable and this year hopes to be even better.

Schedules are busy and sometimes I wonder if this is exactly where God needs me. He knows best. He's in control. It's not about me... I'm learning that my idea of serving God and His idea of my service (location and activity) is completely different. I'm just glad He wants me. He wants to use me. I'm ready:)

I'll be gone for a few days... don't anyone have anything amazing happen... I don't want to miss a minute ;)

Heather Dowling at 2:27 PM



at 3:10 PM Blogger Kat said...

Let me be your first comment!!! Yippee!!! We will be having fun while our fellow bloggers don't have the joy of reading about our lives all weekend!!!!

at 10:12 AM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Have a great time my beautiful sister! I LOVE YOU!

at 8:18 AM Blogger Kat said...

Thanks for your prayers and encouragement....

at 12:00 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay...where's the update about your weekend?! I'm waiting! ;-)


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