Thursday, December 08, 2005


I played hookey yesterday. A doctor's appointment in the mid afternoon left me with a free day off from work and home to clean.
- each room in my house is tidy
- 1/2 of the Christmas presents are wrapped
- invitations for the Christmas party are written out
- menu for the Christmas party is final
- homemade banana bread is made

A day like yesterday was something I miss and long for more of. A clean house, candles lit, a refuge for my husband. Being home when my husband walks in the door. Time to read His Word and talk with Him more. Time to bake.Time to sit with my husband and really talk and enjoy each other's company. Time to breathe. Time to exhale. Time to remember who I am and who I am in Christ. It was refreshing. I loved each moment.

With so many things catapaulting one right after another in our life right now, the Lord reminded me this morning to trust Him. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."

Today I'm happy because I'm clean... My soul is clean and refreshed in him. My home is clean and filled with the presence of His Spirit. My life is made new in Him for His mercies are new every morning. What a blessing.

Have I told you we now have our tree. After talking about our "first Christmas" as a married couple since...mmmm... I think JUNE... we set out last Saturday morning and cut down our first Christmas tree together. (Well Heather was in charge of the videotaping of course) Now it sits in the corner of our little dining room in front of our picture window with presents lining the gold tree skirt and gold and burgandy bulbs hanging on the brances with white lights and pearls looping all around. It's just beautiful! The excitement of having my FIRST real tree was almost overwhelming. I felt like a little girl on Christmas morning as we drove the truck in to pick one out. The garland with pearls and white lights spiral down our pillars that separate our living room and dining room as well adding so much beauty to our little home. I love Christmas. I love celebrating our Saviour. Can't every day be Christmas?

A side-note to some loved ones:


* Happy Anniversary Tim and Kathy (tomorrow). 5 years and getting better each year!

Heather Dowling at 12:13 PM



at 1:06 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Oh yeay you got your tree!!!!!

at 11:52 AM Blogger Kat said...

Your tree is cute, even though I didn't see it fully decorated. I wish my house was clean!!!! LOL!!!

at 12:08 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

So have you talked with Rjay yet?? :-)

So what are your plans for Christmas so far?

at 1:53 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Oh darn, I was thinking that maybe we could have dinner together because in the morning we will be opening presents and going to church with Joe's family. So maybe we can do something Monday then?

So did you talk to RJay yet about NC? :-)

at 3:21 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Yeah that is what I was thinking is coming Christmas night???

You still didn't answer my question of what RJay said... :-)

at 6:11 PM Blogger Unknown said...

It seems so nice to have a sister-in-law who is so in love with my brother and even more who loves the Lord. You really are a nice addition to the family. We all love you so much.

at 5:30 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey babe;)

at 3:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried commenting a minute ago and it didn't seem to work... hopefully this will!

We're not in our house yet, but close (just have to get the water heater installed so we have hot water). I don't know that I'll be feeling pulled together enough to have any type of open house before the holidays--and then the we'll be busy getting ready for the baby--but you never know... could be that by the end of this week I'll be up for such a challenge!

At any rate, you're welcome to see the house any time. I know it's not close so swinging by isn't exactly convenient, but I'd love to see if you if you're in the area and have some spare time.

at 8:07 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check your email, friend!

at 9:14 AM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Sorry I didn't call you this weekend, if you read my blog you'll understand why. I Love you tons.... so do you want me to call you tonight about NC or do you want to blog me. miss you....


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