Tuesday, February 07, 2006


One year. It really doesn't seem time has gone so fast. It's been a great year. A wonderful year. A year of growth, of learning, and a year of love. Lots of love. I'm somehow finding the nitch of marriage after one year now. I've heard it takes many. But I'm being stretched, I'm growing in my faith and growing in love for a wonderful man of God. I love being married. I love my husband. I love that God brought two people from two very different places in life and made us a family. I pray this next year and years to come will challenge us even more and our love for each other will grow into depths we haven't even conquered. I pray I will become an even better wife for R.Jay, providing him a safe haven to come home to, a loving family, and an encouragement to follow harder after Christ. I pray my husband is even more blessed on anniversary number two than he was this year. Help me, dear Jesus, to be all that you've created me to be for Rushton Dowling.

Our first anniversary was special. very special. Our weekend couldn't have been more wonderful. Last week while R.Jay and I were sitting in our little living room doing our own things, reading or writing, he stopped and looked at me and said... "sweetheart, if I could describe you in one word it would be 'delightful'." What a wonderful husband! Thus, his little comment kicked off a weekend of bliss, complete with a pretty set of diamond earrings for me. (For all who were curious... I got R.Jay a brass front door knocker that was engraved with "Dowlings Est. 2005"- something he has been talking about getting since we were engaged. He also got some goodies from Gander Mountain, of course!) We spend the weekend in Niagra Falls. It was beautiful and exciting and quite an adventure. We clang to our last few minutes Sunday night (our actual anniversary day) knowing Monday would bring us back to our jobs and back to wishing we had just a few more minutes to talk with each other, snuggle, or simply just BE. All in all, it was wonderful and I couldn't have asked for a more amazing husband. Really.

Yesterday Watertown was dumped on. Completely. Snow came from everywhere, even the ground with crazy wind gusts. The weather was so terrible I was stranded. The Best Western became my home last night, with a girl-friend from work, and my husband sat at our little home wishing I could be with him. Yes, we're cheesy, or whatever adjective you want to add to describe our complete need for each other... even after 1 year of marriage. So tonight will be nice to walk in the door and feel my husbands arms around me. I can't wait. I miss him.

Enough! Many of you are thinking... but I know there may be one or two who know exactly what I mean. It's funny though, no matter how much people tell you it will wear off, or that you're completely crazy and way too mushy... it doesn't matter. What matters is I love my husband and I'll show it until the day the Lord takes me home. I think we'll be on our honeymoon always. I love that. I love being in love. I love my husband. I love my Saviour.

Heather Dowling at 12:06 PM



at 4:23 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...


And I am so sorry you had to stay in a hotel... BLAH!!!! Hopefully NEVER again :-)

I am so happy that you guys are so in love..... it is so great :-)

at 6:33 PM Blogger Kat said...

People like to pick because they know that what you have is real and they like to tease you about it, like me, I have no issue teasing you!!!

at 9:06 AM Blogger Kat said...

Well someone has to tease you, it might as well be friends...AND if you and RJAY stay that way thru-out your marriage, good for you, it's rare!!!

at 3:34 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Yeah so I went for my "thing" and they didn't give me the results. So I have to wait for my Doctor to give them to me. So I think I am going to call tomorrow.

Love you :-)

at 9:44 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read on Brietta's weblog that you're cancelling March 4th. So I'm a slacker, because I forgot to say something to her about (got too busy waiting for her to get back on her feet) and then never got back to you about it! Well, whatever date you come up with, let me know, and hopefully Bri and I can make the long journey to your house together!

at 8:17 AM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Hey lady,

My next available date is April 1st or April 22nd. Sorry :-)

at 1:06 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any other weekend in March works for me, as of right now. Let me know what you come up with!


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