Wednesday, April 19, 2006

fun from the sweet south

I'll join in on the fun:

I am: in North Carolina visiting my family!
Maybe I should: stop missing my husband quite so much.
I love: taking walks around my little town, and found they're very fun right here in the south as well.
I don't understand: depression
I lost my: pictures taken last year at R.Jay's birthday
People say I'm: mature for my age
Love is: God loving me first
Somewhere, someone is: falling in love with Jesus for the first time
I will always: be amazed how quickly time goes by
Forever is: waiting to become a parent
I never want to: forget my friends and family in old age
I think the current President is: overwhelmed
When I wake up in the morning, I: thank God for another day
Life is full of: questions
My past is incredibly: over
I get annoyed when: my house is unorganized
I wish: to purchase our first home and have babies
My dog is: sitting with me at the computer (my parents dog)
Kisses are the worst when: it's dark and he bumps your head instead

Nice: the weather here in North Carolina
Tomorrow I'm going to: go shopping with family
I really want some: time with my hubby

I have low tolerance for people who are: fake
If I had a million dollars: we would build our dream house and save the rest!

Some shots of our visit to the North Carolina Zoo today!

Heather Dowling at 7:55 PM



at 4:25 PM Blogger Kat said...

I don't want to hear about when your heads bump in the dark!!! LOL!!! Anyways....I don't understand why most of you are wearing LONG sleeves in NORTH CAROLINA, at THIS time of YEAR!!!! LOL!!!

at 6:26 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've really missed our chats as well. We're having guests tonight, but I'd love to talk to you tomorrow. Call me or sign-on when you're settled. I've been praying for you.

at 3:23 PM Blogger Angie said...

All very true! Be patient, sweet girl, your time will come and God will bless you with a beautiful child. Remember, it's when He's ready...
I wish we could get together..I know you're close in NC. Madison wants to meet you! :)
Big hugs!


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