Thursday, May 11, 2006
I'm not sure why I'm a little surprised, but after three days of incredible ministry, my very faith is being tested. The Word was incredible, the men were God-fearing and wise, the worship was powerful. A great time was had by all. The more I learn the more I see I need to learn more. I've got a lot of digging to do, but I'm very appreciative of the new light that has been shed on many situations in my small world.I enjoy making dinner and dessert for my husband. Something about spending time in this little white kitchen taking a little of this and a little of that and making a great meal is very rewarding, especially when your husband praises you. He does a great job at that. The "nice" glasses and dishes were out tonight. It's fun to dress it up every now and then. It is days like today that make me feel like a wife, a woman, and someone very appreciated. I love being married.
It has been an eye-opening few days. For sure. Thank you, Jesus.
Heather Dowling at 8:33 PM
- at 11:11 PM Kat said...
You didn't call me??? Everything going okay if you know what I mean??
- at 9:06 AM Rose of the Hill said...
Hey lady. I love you tons and miss you tons... Joe and I are off for Vacation today. But feel free to call me at ANY time we are just going to be hanging out, we don't have anything planned except for a show tonight at 7. Love you... call me :-)