Friday, June 02, 2006

guys & gals

Last night and into this morning I had the priviledge of caring for Kierstan, age 3 and her little brother, Aidan, 21 mo. old. The vast difference between little girls and little boys makes me giggle. Examples:

While playing with assorted plastic spatulas, bowls, measuring cups, containers, and spoons (which are pretty much the only "toys" you'll find here due to our lack of children) miss Kierstan informed me she was making a cake. While playing with the same materials, Aidan proceeded to use a cottage cheese container for a rocket, or so I assumed with his "pshh pshh" in my face for 1/2 an hour last night.

At the park last night Kierstan was quite content swinging and riding on a springy seal (with r.jay close by of course- we all know how much she fancies him), whereas her brother thought climbing the highest slide backwards or racing to the top of the highest peak on the playground was much more fun.

This morning while making peanut butter cookies Kierstan ever so delicately would role that brown mush into a ball and gently set in onto the cookie sheet. Aidan thought it much more amusing to squish it between his fingers while grinning at me.

I suppose it doesn't change when you get older:

R.Jay was fixed on Aidan becoming a strong boy and assisting him to the peak of that playground, or showing him how "tools" work. Whereas I, on the other hand, was quite riveted by how cute their clothes were or how sweet their little voices are.

Needless to say, we had a fun time. I'm glad God made man and woman and I'm glad he made us so different.

Heather Dowling at 10:03 AM



at 1:37 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Your too cute :-)

at 4:27 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next Thursday should be fine for me. I'd love to see you!

at 10:46 PM Blogger Kat said...

I think Aidan might have been impersonating a!!! You get it but no one else will...


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