Tuesday, April 17, 2007


-I would have rather seen history made in the curing of cancer or something as silly as building the worlds largest airplane yesterday. Instead a young man bought into the lies of prince of this world and innocent lives were robbed at Virginia Tech. Men and women my age. It saddens me, sometimes angers me. Then Christ's overwhelming love reminds me... the enemy may believe he has won this battle...but Christ has won the war. The victory is His... and mine.

- I'm completely sick of eating. It seems I eat constantly to keep the yucky feelings away. I never thought I'd get so sick of filling my face all the time. My chart at my midwife's office is showing the results of that. 20 weeks pregnant... 9lbs heavier. Yikes.

- I feel a little accomplished today. I painted. I finished painting the trim in our bedroom today with the help of a respirator mask my husband brought home for me. It felt nice to help out with the renovations around here since this pregnancy has limited so much.

- I couldn't possibily describe to you how nice it is to lay on our new sofa & loveseat instead of our old futon. Ahhh. My back is thanking me.

- It seems funny to me that this Thursday is our first ultrasound. I remember telling my parents and siblings of our wonderful news back in January and thinking how awful it is that I have to wait until mid April to see a picture of my little person. And here we are... hoping, first, that baby is healthy and second, that he/she might cooperate to find out if this is our little man or little lady.

Heather Dowling at 4:11 PM



at 5:46 PM Blogger Kat said...

It's definitely a sad time in America...is there ever any good news anymore??? I am hoping you are able to find out too, but I will laugh if you don't because you thought it was funny I couldn't!!!!

at 12:03 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I told you the time would fly by. The first 20 weeks always does. Its the last 20 that seem to drag on forever!

at 2:28 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how often you can eat when you're pregnant?! I get full easily, but then find that about 2 hours later my stomach is growling (and if I don't eat something quick, I get sick). 9lbs at 20 weeks is nothing to embarrassed about. Honestly, though I sometimes think I would enjoy only gaining 15lbs total during a pregnancy, I know that it's not healthy. In the long-run, my body and the lack of nutrients would show up. Especially if you're hoping to breastfeed, you want to keep yourself well-nourished and full of good vitamins and minerals that really only comes with eating plenty!!

I'm so excited for you to find out whether the baby's a boy or a girl!

at 3:26 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Umm, apparently you don't remember this!

But you know, although I definitely gained plenty of weight (welllll over 40 lbs), I always felt pretty good. Can I just say again, stay in shape? :) Really, I think it made my pregnancy enjoyable, all the way to the end. And even though people complain about being pregnant in the summer, I was so glad my last few months were in a season when I could walk lots, swim when I was way too hot, and eat good fresh food. As long as I had our two fans pointed directly at me while I slept, I found the summer months to be not-so-bad!

...And yet another rambling comment!

Hurry up and get that ultrasound so we all know what to start buying you! :)

at 3:01 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SOOOO curious right now!!!!!


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