Monday, April 02, 2007
things you may have not known...
* I watched this little girl come into the world at 4:23 am last Sunday. Seeing your friend, who normally sits across from you with a cup of coffee and homemade granola bars, in that much pain is not fun at all. Seeing "the miracle of life" was lots of fun. How many pregnant women get to see what all really happens in that little hospital room before their time? I felt pretty blessed and I'm pretty sure the Card family is now too with such a cute little girl.* I take medicine (now in pill form -hallelujah) every morning in order to keep food down. Still.
* Said pill renders me lifeless with drowsiness and I get more sleep then I thought humanly possible each day.
*We have three types of flowers blooming in our back yard already and seeing them throws me into excitement which makes my husband laugh.
* My belly is a pregnant one now. Yesterday morning getting ready for church found me crying in the bathroom at the realization of nothing to wear. A shopping trip was in order that afternoon.
* My husband and I bought "grown-up" living room furniture, as I've labeled them. For the past two years of marriage we've put up with a futon and one comfy chair as our living room set. Its time to rid of our "just married" furniture and welcome in the "we're having a baby" furniture. We pick the couch and love seat up this Saturday. Yay.
* I'm a garage-sale fanatic. The sunshine and warmer temperatures keep reminding me of all the fun garage sales to be visited very soon.
* In January I joined the Cornerstone Christian Fellowship Church worship team as the pianist. Pianist is a relative term for how little I know, but its fun nonetheless. Being a part of leading your church family in worship is quite a powerful experience and walking out prophetic words bring such an sense of accomplishment as His child on His path. There is still a long road ahead.
Just some fun thoughts I thought I'd share about my little world.
Heather Dowling at 1:25 PM
- at 6:40 PM said...
Oh, you will learn so much playing piano for worship! I bet John would love to give you some tips to make it smoother any time. Don't worry about mistakes, either. He says he makes mistakes every service still, but people truly don't notice.
- at 12:56 PM said...
You're REALLY going to have to post some pictures of your house after you get the furniture! :)