Tuesday, June 05, 2007

where do days go now?

Each time I look at our calendar, it seems four days have gone by where I think only one has. Its hard to even imagine in only three months we'll be parents. When did days start flying by instead of dragging on throughout this pregnancy? It all seems too fast and I'm realizing all the more why I should treasure each little movement and moment in this little girls brand new life.

Heidi & Joe left this morning and our house is quiet again. Yes, Heidi brings lots of loud laughter and Joe brings tools - which creates loud noises where our house is being ripped apart. We love it. We love company and especially Heidi & Joe's.

Today I spent a large portion of the afternoon sitting in a hospital room similar to one I'll be holding our baby in soon. An (unknown) bladder infection brought a lot of strange pain and a call to my midwife. While I'm not one to jump at every twitch, pain, or cramp my midwife wanted to be "safe than sorry" and I was fine with that. I now have decided I hate the contraction and fetal monitors they strap to your stomach. I remember all her trouble with them and can now inform you my experience was horribly annoying too.

Our baby is very active. Even the nurses this afternoon each had to make comments on her constant kicking and flips. Her movements kept finding her heartbeat impossible and most nights keep this mama-to-be wide awake. No, I'm not complaining. I'm bragging. I love my baby.

... when did this site become an updates-only place?...

Heather Dowling at 8:54 PM



at 9:19 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey woman! You're going to love being a mommy!!! :)
Are you going to deliver in Watertown? Who is your midwife? Mine was Major Neimeyer...she was wonderful!
Miss you!

at 9:48 PM Blogger abigaildaniels said...

Oh, being proud of your little one is great. Isn't it so special to feel the baby moving with you constantly? When I delivered both of my children, I shed several tears over the fact that I was already letting them go. I no longer had them with me constantly (even if they were only sleeping in a cradle in the next room while I did housework!) So, enjoy these momemts. I do know what you mean, though, about time flying. Boy, can't I just slow it down a bit!?


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