Saturday, July 28, 2007
34 weeks

*We're pretty sure she doesn't have Daddy's long pointed nose.
*We're having fun guessing she's got long legs like Daddy's but her face is resembling her mama's.
*We're in awe that this sweet baby, OUR daughter, is going to be joining us in a matter of weeks.
Amazing, huh?
Heather Dowling at 9:23 AM
- at 10:05 AM said...
Hi Heather :> I love the 3D Ultrasound, it amazes me to see every feature , my friend just had one too and I just love it, I was never able to have one for any of my children. I hope all goes well the next few weeks for you and that you have a wonderful labour and delivery of your sweet baby girl. Take Care
Danielle Brown at 5:47 AM said...
I didn't know you were going to get another u/s-- how nice to get some confirmation!! :) You look great!
I'll be in touch when we get back in town. I'd really love to see you before your baby arrives!