Thursday, August 23, 2007


I've hit that crazy point where sleeping at night is near impossible, but a nice two hour long nap this afternoon was a dream. I can't imagine having a job or responsibilities that keep me from restful naps these days. I certainly can't imagine what is like for a few friends of mine to hit this point with little people already running around needing your attention.

So props to all who do it, you're stronger, braver, and maybe full of a bit more coffee than I.

Heather Dowling at 2:39 PM



at 3:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give props to the coffee. Its what gets me through. :-)

at 5:16 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know that I actually go to bed at night anticipating the coffee in the morning?! :)

Enjoy your naps and don't feel badly for a second about taking them. Life will not always afford you such things!!!!

at 5:49 PM Blogger Unknown said...

You are def going to need coffee. Tell R.Jay I said to keep the pot going for you. I think that you will find that sleep is going to be a thing of the past. p.s. if you need help I hear Annabelle has a wonderful aunt who just happens to have Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays off. I also hear she is wonderful at spoiling children. :)

at 9:43 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had a gift for Annabelle for several weeks now that I really want to get to you before you're super busy with a new baby and then I'm super busy with a new baby! I know there's no guarantee as to what any day will be like for you at this point, but if you've got an appointment in Canton coming up, give me a call (262.0321) and I would love to meet you!


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