Friday, September 07, 2007

Heather Dowling at 6:43 PM
- at 8:33 PM said...
Oh! But isn't the shopping so FUN?! :)
(Baby's Christmas gift of a knit sweater & hat arrived in the mail today... Ridiculous, I know, but it's just oh so fun!)
I've been thinking about you lots and actually envying you your comfort. This is my first pregnancy when I feel like I'm getting early labor on the installment plan-- and I'm starting to feel annoyed! My saving thought through the cramping and contractions and yucky discharge is that at my appointment next I may find out I'm 4cm dilated and early labor is DONE. I'm not sure what I'll do if I hear all these discomforts aren't doing anything, because I'm already wishing I could have a "Bronwyn pregnancy," where I felt perfectly normal going to bed one night and within 24 hours she was in my arms!
Anyway... Enjoy your sleeping and shopping. And, yes, I know the feelings of missing the baby even though s/he's oh-so-close, really! It's strange, isn't it?- at 10:16 PM Keila said...
I agree... the hardest part of pregnancy is the last stretch... the counting of the days, the hours and the longing and anticipating... but it is all soooo worth it, so hang in there. And if you can rest, by all means, do try! Enjoy this last few days, though they may seem long, they will be over before you know it. Praying for a lovely birth!