Thursday, September 20, 2007
words can't express...

Heather Dowling at 7:53 PM
- at 11:59 PM Rose of the Hill said...
Heather she is so beautiful! I can't wait to see her! And hold her! I bet mom is having an awesome time! I am posting things on my post each day that we are here about what we are doing... if you can you shoule read them.... Love you tons and tons!
- at 8:03 AM said...
Heather! She is just beautiful, Congratulations. Your latest post made me a bit teary eyed, seeing you with Annabelle. Treasure these moments with her as they do grow up way to fast. I am in awe Heather at your love for God & your family , you truly are an amazing Woman :> Have a wonderful weekend.
Danielle Brown ( Sauve )- at 8:32 AM said...
So happy for you all! She is so adorable and your post was so beautiful. It really captures a mothers heart. I'm wondering, does she really sleep on her tummy in her basket?? It's so cute. My kids never went in on their tummy--always their back. My sister liked her tummy though. Well, congrats again. Good job, Mommy!
- at 11:29 PM danica said...
I love the picture of you both. Brings back memories of those most precious first few weeks of euphoric bliss. So, so special.
- at 2:54 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
You're absolutely right...words can't even begin to express the initial joy and excitement upon becoming a mother! It seems like it was just yesterday for me! Enjoy every minute with Annabelle! Babies grow way too fast!!!