Saturday, October 13, 2007
4 weeks, already?

*4 weeks ago, at this time, I was pushing (and pushing and pushing) Annabelle into the world. The "fresh" days of baby's-first-days home are gone and we're welcoming in each new day of growth and blessing, and lets not forget sleeplessness.
*Annabelle is no fool. She gets that if she cries... someone comes to the rescue. So each night from about 10pm to 1am have been met with a fight from my daughter to fall asleep in her bed (basket). She's pretty cute about it too. Although, usually in those moments my mind is just praying for peace for her to fall asleep... so I can fall asleep. Though, I'll praise her for her long sleeps in between nightly feedings. Once she does finally doze off, my little princess has been known to go up to 5 hours without a peep (though the majority of the time its more like 3-4 hours... still great).
*She's finally outgrown her newborn clothes and fits perfectly into 0-3 months. Yay! The few newborn outfits I had for her were starting to get boring. Not to mention I couldn't wait for all the adorable 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes that were awaiting her in her drawers.
*She has put herself on a daily schedule. Every 2-3 hours she's ready to nurse and is quite content when not nursing, leaving her Momma to get lots done (most days).
I love my baby. Not just because she's great, and cute, and well... mine. I love her because she's my gift, our gift. She was placed here purposely and I hope I can live up to what God desires of me in her life.
Heather Dowling at 3:43 PM
- at 2:53 PM said...
She's looking cute and round and plump and just plain old content in that picture! So wonderful!
- at 7:15 PM Stacy said...
Heather she is just precious! One of these days Jackie and I will get it together and I'm going to make her bring me down there to meet you girls. :)
- at 7:30 PM danica said...
Isn't it amazing how fast 4 weeks can go, and much can be left far, far behind in such a short amount of time? I look back at the pics of Jameson and just can't believe how old he was by 3 months. I mean, three measly months. Shouldn't a baby still be a newborn at three months? Goodness!
Enjoy getting lots done. (And good job Annabelle! I'll have you come teach my next babies!)