Thursday, October 18, 2007

As promised...

in my last post. Here are just a few pictures of my little "bean" as she has been known to be called around this abode.

Heather Dowling at 9:50 AM



at 10:25 AM Blogger mrsdmf72205 said...

What a sweetheart! She is looking so grown-up, for a baby, if that makes any sense!

Can't wait to see you all again soon!:-)

at 11:03 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

We call Aubrey our "skinny bean," so she and Annabelle can be "beans" together! :)

at 4:14 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Heya sister

I have been thinking about you A LOT today?! How are you? Hey, what are you doing Mon. 10/29 or Tues. 10/30... I need some sister time.

Love you


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