Thursday, October 04, 2007

It seems the moment Annabelle was born the clock started moving faster. Days seem shorter and weeks fly by. It almost seems impossible she'll be 3 weeks old this weekend.

Along with snuggling our daughter and adjusting to this new life with baby, we've kept our schedules pretty full. Annabelle has already had several outings to Watertown and even went to the pumpkin patch and picked pumpkins out with her grandparents and cousin (ok, R.Jay really picked the pumpkins - but the pictures were cute). Church was fun, but when isn't showing off your adorable baby so much fun. It felt fresh getting back into worshipping with my church family and digging into a routine with Sunday School again. I missed church, a whole lot.
So, now we're settling into days of just momma and baby, awaiting 4pm to see daddy, and evenings of family time and kisses and hugs. These days are truly priceless.
Heather Dowling at 2:15 PM
- at 5:19 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
I've been anxiously awaiting another "Annabelle Update"! She is sooooo adorable! What a princess! I'm glad to hear you guys are doing so well! Keep the pictures coming! I love them!:-)
- at 5:30 PM Rose of the Hill said...
Oh I love the apple outfit... it looks really good on her. And you are really good at taking her pictures. I can't wait to come again. I miss both of you a whole lots... kisses
- at 12:56 PM danica said...
i loooove that apple outfit!