Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A great tragedy has fallen on the Dowling/Hughes family.Yesterday R.Jay's sister lost her only step-son. The sweetest and most gentle 17-year-old young man you'd ever meet. Granted we gained him only through marriage as a relative, but he was as much our nephew, R.Jay's parent's grandson, and especially Rushteen's son as though he was our own.
So now we cling to a God who comforts those who mourn, gives us seasons of weeping and times of mourning, and works all things for our good.
Prayers would be greatly appreciated.
You'll be missed, "little" Gary.

Heather Dowling at 12:58 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
pictures full of thanks...
So proud of her very first Christmas tree.

Putting the first bulb on the tree. (With Daddy's help, of course.)

Stringing the pearls.

After the big feast at Aunt Rushteen's and Uncle Gary's.
Heather Dowling at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Don't you just want to kiss her???

Heather Dowling at 12:46 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
2 months old

How did that happen? 2 months. She's growing and changing and becoming this amazing little woman right before our eyes.
She weighed in at 10lbs. 14oz., yesterday, and is now 22in. long. What a girl.
She has discovered her fist and, if left alone, can be amused by it for quite awhile. She's also discovered her vocal chords. She has learned that she can be a loud talker just like her mother. She adores bath time and will literally try and yell at us when we take her out. She loves playtime on the floor with musical toys, but most of all when her mama and daddy lay down and play with her. She smiles. All the time. She sleeps through the night, often. Nights she doesn't, she is only up once to nurse. She wakes up in the morning smiling. She loves her car seat and loves car rides. When out on the town or on shopping trips, she's an amazingly easy baby. She makes it fun.
She hated her first round of shots yesterday. Thankfully she didn't cry long and never spiked a fever or became swollen. She hates when I have to thoroughly coat her in her special eczema lotion. She despises having things put on or over her head. This makes onesies not so fun and hats just a pain. Her eczema was noticeably better before it took a turn for the worse. So, she now has special shampoo and special baby bath. No more wonderful Baby Magic smell...just Aveeno oatmeal. Although it really seems to be helping so I shouldn't complain.
She's playful. She studies EVERYTHING. She listens carefully. She has a gentleness about her.
She's becoming quite the baby...

Heather Dowling at 2:25 PM
Monday, November 12, 2007
We've been busy. Trips to Watertown, Lake Placid, and Waterloo. Company coming to see our princess and visits to other's homes to show her off. House projects and snuggle times as a family.
I don't have much to say since my mind is still trying to wrap itself around her loss. I know there are many trying to do so. Many trying to put themselves in her shoes, only to feel the knot rising and stomach turning. I hardly know her, but I'm weeping with her, praying for her, and constantly thinking of her. The promise of a loving God and a heavenly home seems so much closer to my heart. I pray it is for her. Please pray.
The reality of our frailty leads to me thankfulness:

8 weeks old
Heather Dowling at 9:45 AM