Saturday, December 15, 2007
Our 3-month old

Its so fun to say things like "our 3-month old", or "my baby girl", or "our daughter". We waited patiently for her and now we're having fun. What an honor to be a parent! What a gift to be Annabelle's.
So, our little bean turns 3 months old today. I'm not sure how it can feel like she has been with us always, but also feel like she just got here. Strange. Here are some tidbits about our tidbit:
*She wakes up grinning from ear to ear every morning. She is happiest in the morning and I'm quite sure she doesn't get that from me.
*She sleeps through the night, every night, now. She'll also take a good long morning nap after she's been awake for a bit. She's spoiling me.
*She loves when we do "patty-cake" with her and will try so hard to get a good laugh out.
*When R.Jay gets home from work, her eyes light up and her grin gets big. She loves her dad.
*She has started to get quite clingy to her mama. When at church or other events, she likes to stick close by.
*She has officially grown out of 0-3 month clothing and is sporting her 3-6 month threads now. No official weight/height report until next month but I'd say she's nearing 13lbs.
*Her feet are so long and slender it makes me chuckle each time I try and put cute shoes on her feet. They'll fit length wise, but width wise they look like clown shoes.
*Her eczema is looking fantastic and we're still coating her every morning and night to keep it that way.
*She still sports her "mohawk" with two large tufts of hair, one front and one back. Everywhere else is just thinning hair. Too funny.
So, she's great. She's easy. She makes us smile all day long. We love her so much.
We love our baby girl.
Heather Dowling at 8:18 AM
at 10:26 AM
Stacy said...
I know I just keep saying that she's completely adorable but she really is, lol. I love the expression on her face.
at 3:37 PM
brietta said...
She is precious! You and R.Jay sound as though you are completely and unreservedly enjoying every minute with her!
P.S. 3-6 month clothes are always outgrown the fastest, in my experience (they always seem to be only marginally bigger than 0-3), so make sure she wears your favorite things lots while she can!
at 8:27 AM
Glad to hear the Dowling household is doing well ! She is adorable! Love her facial expressions!
Your little bean will continue to amaze you...enjoy & cherish each and every moment with her!
Madison is growing into such a beautiful, sweet little girl! We can't believe she's almost 2!!
Merry Christmas!
Lots of love,
at 9:14 AM
mrsdmf72205 said...
Doesn't the time pass way too quickly??? She's beautiful, Heather!:-)