Friday, February 15, 2008
the happenings of a 5 month old...
Yes, five months. Where that last month went, I'll never know.
She makes me smile all day long. (Most likely because she's smiling. All day long.) I couldn't have ever imagined just how sweet she would be. She's no longer my daytime sleep champion, thanks to some teething. That's okay. It gives me more snuggle time. So between R.Jay being sick, an anniversary get-a-way, a teething baby, and a little holiday I've managed to sqeeze in some pictures (of course!) of what Annabelle's been up to lately...
Puckering up for Valentine's Day.

Making Valentine's treats. (Okay, so I made them, but she sat happy in her Moby while doing so. That counts, right?)
She's becoming more adventurous on her belly, trying to figure out how to keep those knees up and utilize them.

Showing off her very first swimsuit.

Trying out a great big pool for the first time. (At the hotel on our get-a-way.) Notice she doesn't dare take her eyes off the water.
Heather Dowling at 9:17 AM
- at 11:24 AM said...
Goodness! I want to kiss her chubby thighs!
- at 7:09 AM Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...
So if winter ever quits and I get ahead of my pile of laundry, we should get together.
Or since either of those things look like they aren't going away, we should just plan something anyway. I'm home most days if you and Kathy (and your beautiful daughters) are up for a road trip. Or if you want us to come out there, I can do that too. 'Cause my van is fixed now. :-) And we need to get on your very-busy calendar now for a barbecue. Spring really isn't that far away. Considering we're getting a foot of snow tonight, that sounds so foolish.