Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So, I'm trying to find something like this chair cover for our wooden highchair. Annabelle is so tiny that sitting in the highchair is pretty uncomfortable for her wobbly little self. Any ideas on where I can get one of these without paying an arm and a leg?
Heather Dowling at 10:40 AM
- at 4:39 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
Have you tried looking on Ebay for a highchair cover? I don't know...just a thought!:-)
- at 4:50 PM Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...
How about around 11 on Tuesday? That gives me time to get some school done in the morning. Does that work for Annabelle's nap schedule?
- at 9:17 AM mrsdmf72205 said...
My due date is April 15th...just a little over a month away and I'm psyched! I'm feeling pretty good, but not sleeping very well at night due to being so uncomfortable! I guess that's to be expected though...I swear it's in preparation of being up throughout the night with a newborn!
Anyway, April 5th should work out well. Our schedule looks free as long as I don't go into labor before then. Keep that date open if possible, and we'll do the same!
Hope all is well! Keep in touch!:-)- at 1:24 PM danica said...
Make your own!! :)
- at 2:16 PM Rose of the Hill said...
CUTE! But I have no idea.... I wrote a new blog...
- at 3:41 PM said...
Totally off-topic:
Aubrey has a little patch of eczema on her eyelid. The doctor recommended cortisone cream, but I'm hesitant. I know Annabelle had/has eczema and that you've found a solution and I'm wondering what that is!
My e-mail is briettapaladin(at)gmail.com if that's an easier way to communicate.