Sunday, March 16, 2008

My sweet baby girl turned 6 months old yesterday.
While we were pretty preoccupied with moving the majority of my sister's belongings to our house from Syracuse, there were several moments I paused to consider just how big my little one is with tears in my eyes. Wow. Six months gone already. Six months that have been even better than I ever imagined.
Today she and I are home from church. Annabelle has a terrible cold and cough and this mama decided some rest was much needed. So far, sleeping in and some relaxing cuddle time is proving to be healing for her.
On to the big, little things she can do now:
*She says "hi" and attempts to wave at everyone. Most of the time, all I have to do is leave the room and re-enter to get a big "HI!" out of her.
*She loves playing in the excersaucer that was given to us. She also sits up (with a little help) for long lengths of time and plays happily with toys.
*She drinks out of my cup when I'm having water and actually does a great job.
*She adores her Daddy and of course says "da" much more than "ma" ever comes out.
*She eats oatmeal cereal for breakfast and rice cereal for dinner. Her face lights up when its time to eat and she "mmmmms" at every single bite.
*She's obsessed with hands and feet. Not just her own.
*She's the best shopping buddy. She'll often times have lengthy "conversations" with me all throughout a store.
*No official height/weight report since she won't see the pediatrician until tomorrow.
Half a year of sweet little baby girl-ness. Can you tell I'm just so in love with her?
Heather Dowling at 11:13 AM
- at 12:58 PM Lore Ferguson said...
what's your address? we have some stuff to send you and RJ for Vision and it keeps getting sent back to us. Can you email me with it?
hope you're doing well!- at 12:27 AM danica said...
so sweet!