Wednesday, May 14, 2008
8 months old and pigtails

I remember when friends and family had 8-month-olds and I would always proclaim how this had to be my absolute favorite baby age. True to my 8 month-old loving self, I adore my daughter at this age. (Then again, if you had asked me at every other month milestone, I would have told you that was my favorite too. Silly.)
Now she's here at that great 8 months and she is her own whole person, with her own big personality. She even has two teeth coming in. I'm not sure when it happened, but Annabelle enjoys screaming and growling for pleasure. Yeah. She sits up all on her own, which is so nice for me. She stands and attempts to walk when someone just holds her hands. She gives hugs and kisses when requested. She has enough hair for pigtails. Pigtails!
I'm loving every 8 month-old sloppy kiss, pigtail, yell-for-the-fun-of-it minute.
I'm loving every 8 month-old sloppy kiss, pigtail, yell-for-the-fun-of-it minute.
Heather Dowling at 3:07 PM
- at 1:52 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
Happy Eight Months, Annabelle!:-)
- at 8:03 PM said...
8 months and I've still yet to meet this darling little girl?!?! We will have to do something-- soon. Maybe we could meet at the park in Canton or something so you wouldn't have to drive so far.
- at 7:46 AM Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...
I got my stat counter at Its fun to see where people are reading from. This one doesn't show people who subscribe to you rblog using a RSS reader, but I'm not sure any stat counter does.
- at 11:33 AM Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...
I went to and searched for literally five minutes when this lot came up. It was totally the Lord, as we've talked about it for years but never wanted to spend $300 on it.
And you are totally right - Josh would never let me out of the house in a jumper!