Thursday, May 08, 2008
We get a view of this each time we glance out our kitchen windows. After watching this tree last Spring turn into a bit of blunder for growth, these bright purple and pink flowers make me happy.
This little lady is cutting her first tooth. She seems so big to be me lately. Especially with the idea of teeth in her little mouth. Funny.
R.Jay started his new job. (For those who don't know - R.Jay's company is laying off 75% of their employees, so the job hunt began.) While the new job is exciting and in the long run financially better, we miss having him home at 3pm. We now wait until 5:00 with anxious eyes. The plus? He's welding in Massena this week... which means he gets to pick up Sergie's tomorrow night on his way home. Nice.
I suppose that is it. I hear a little voice awake from a nap.
Heather Dowling at 2:35 PM