Wednesday, July 23, 2008

things that haven't changed

Sometimes I still pause throughout my day and watch my baby girl, amazed that she's here, she's ours, and I am her mother. Every day I seem to notice some small thing (or large - like a little person!) to remind me how much my life has changed in the last 5 years. It seems life is an ocean and time is a sweeping wave that crashes and vanishes all too quickly in a constant state of change. That's how I feel lately. One day my little sister was this pudgy little 8 year old, lets be honest, driving me crazy. The next? A 16-year-old young woman with plans and dreams, who has now become my peer. Change can be absolutely beautiful and absolutely frightening.

Then there are things that haven't changed. Like that phone call this morning from my dear grandfather. "Hello Heather Joanie!" It seems that multiple years, a husband, and a baby later doesn't change my status as "little heather joanie" in Grandpa's mind. I like that. Or even, that in 3 1/2 years of marriage my husband still thinks I'm the greatest girl in the world. I love that.

There is a Constant above the insane pace of time and change. A Constant that calms my fears and slows my day down for a bit. A Constant that is so solid, even in the middle of my changing heart. Christ hasn't ever changed. I adore that.

Heather Dowling at 10:33 AM



at 6:13 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

Thanks sis I needed that "consistent reminder"! I feel like I'm falling apart over here with all the changes I am going through and all of the things I am missing.... I miss you... I miss everybody... and I so wish I could come home!

I hope you have an awesome time at the fireworks... I miss them too!

at 6:15 PM Blogger Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

We're going out of town the weekends of the 1st and the 8th. Maybe later in the month?

Don't worry about not getting back to me - you're busy! Not a problem. :-)


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