Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy Birthday, Annabelle Rose!
Happy birthday to our beautiful little princess, Annabelle Rose!
She's more joy to our lives than I could have ever imagined she would be.
She's more beautiful each morning, when I walk into her room and see her face lit up with a smile.
She's the gift we prayed so long for and the sweet girl we pray over now.
Today, as she wobbles closer to a toddler and away from being my baby, I can't help push away the tears and just be incredibly thankful. Thankful that I get this opportunity. I get to watch her grow, teach her well, and lead her to heaven. I am blessed.
Here is our girl, growing up, in one year of pictures.
One day old. At the hospital.
Christmas. Helping string pearls. 3 months old.
Valentines Day. 5 months old.
Pigtails. 8 months old.
Pretty blue eyes. 10 months old.
Today. One-Year-Old.
Heather Dowling at 8:26 PM
- at 10:02 PM Rose of the Hill said...
I can't believe how much she grew in a year... she is a beautiful girl... and I happy that you didn't have to wait longer than you did.
:-)- at 8:48 AM said...
Heather she is adorable! She looks like such a big girl in her newest picture. And I love the little pucker in her Valentine's pic. Adorable!
Happy Birthday Annabelle!- at 1:39 PM Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...
Oh what great pictures! Happy birthday to your sweet, sweet girl.