Wednesday, September 03, 2008

an update of doings...

I can't blame the blog silence completely on busyness this time. We have been enjoying the last snippets of summer (and getting psyched for my favorite leaf-crunching, candle-scented season approaching) with lots of outdoor projects/activities and getting this house back into shape after my almost 3 week absence. We're also praying. A lot. We're talking and listening, not just to each other, but more to Christ. We're grieving with a friend, and missing another. We're waiting on God for sick family. We're finding joy in the struggle and not wasting the hardship as a church family. Or at least we're trying. So yes, to say there is a lot going on would simply be an understatement.

My husband is in the process of converting our fuel oil home heating system to a wood stove heating system. To be honest, the idea of it was a beat of a bummer to me initially. You know, the idea of trekking out in the snow (okay, so its like less than 15 feet from the back door) to throw some wood in the furnace twice a day was less than appealing. Then, I thought of how nice it will be come cool weather to step outside and smell our wood stove. Mmmm. They should make a candle with that smell. Do they? Oh right, and the other big plus is the $4,000 we will be saving in fuel oil this winter.

I just can't believe Annabelle's birthday is approaching. I know. I sound like a broken record. Is it terrible that I'm holding back tears just thinking about it? I keep pushing through moist eyes reminding myself about the sweet girl she's becoming and the amazing things she'll do. Isn't it awfully sad that we can't have these baby moments back? Though, I have to admit, I'm thrilled to be throwing a birthday party for my very own big baby girl. Sunday her Daddy and I will leave her with Grandma Dowling and head to Watertown for some shopping for birthday presents and party supplies. Birthdays are just so much fun!

While in North Carolina we squeezed in a visit to the clinic my mom manages and got a weight/height check for Annabelle. She was 1 day shy of 11 months old and weighed in at 16lbs 10oz (3rd percentile) and was 27.5 in. tall (18th percentile). Its okay that she is itsy bitsy. I'll keep her as little as I can, for as long as I can (like I have a say). Her petite-ness is absolutely adorable, anyhow.

I've completely failed on updating this site with photos for those who still use this blog as a means of keeping up-to-date with this little Dowling family. My apologies. I'll work that! For now, I'll leave you with my silly girl "showing her muscles". (As she does when asked!)

Heather Dowling at 9:17 PM



at 7:01 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Getting a cheaper heating system will definitely feel worth it financially, but I can totally understand your feelings about having to feed the furnace! One more thing to do... :(

Sounds like Aubrey and Annabelle could be twins size-wise. Aubrey's just a smidgen thinner and longer (like 1/2lb less and 1/2" more). Annabelle definitely has Aubrey beat in the hair department, though. :) I can't believe we still haven't gotten these girls together. *sigh* Life is too busy.

at 10:40 AM Blogger danica said...

That picture is a RIOT!

at 4:21 PM Blogger mrsdmf72205 said...

Absolutely LOVE the picture! What a cutie! Caleb better watch it with pipes like those!;-)


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