Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baby #2

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

There's no keeping a secret when it comes to pregnancy for me. Second time around is showing that I'll be vomiting incessantly again. Or at least so far. So I pretty much drop off the face of my world for awhile. Nevertheless, we're thrilled and still trying to wrap our minds around the idea of Annabelle no longer being the baby, but instead a big sister.

Heather Dowling at 6:29 PM



at 12:57 PM Blogger mrsdmf72205 said...

OH. MY. GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! We're absolutely psyched for you guys! Call me when you're feeling up to it!:-)

Love you guys!:-)

at 1:08 PM Blogger mrsdmf72205 said...

P.S.- Let us know if there is ANYTHING you need (dinner, babysitter, help with the house...)! We're happy to help in any way that we can!:-)

at 11:35 PM Blogger Rose of the Hill said...

I love you too.

at 10:01 AM Blogger Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

Fridays are a little nutty for us with Friday Program. If you appointment is after 2, we should be here. Just drop in if it works. If not, we'll do it another time! How are you feeling? Did the ginger help?

at 4:05 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to scoot over here for a couple days now to tell you congratulations! How exciting!!!

Does this mean you'll be making regular trips to our neck of the woods again? I would love to connect with you and meet Miss Annabelle sometime if so!

at 8:00 PM Blogger Mom2Zoey said...

Yippee! Not for the sickness though. Hope to see you soon!

at 5:13 PM Blogger Jackie | One Redeemed Mom said...

We're definitely here by 3 and would love to see you. :-)


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