Sunday, November 30, 2008
Here we go!

Click and join in the guessing game for baby Dowling #2!
Heather Dowling at 10:01 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
has it really been that long???...
My good intentions on writing a post more often are usually thwarted by projects and outings, sickness and exhaustion, or simply...the lack of any desire to really put pen to paper, or fingers to keys rather.Since that crazy no-voting-for-us emergency room visit, Annabelle has healed up well from pneumonia and the next set of crazies began. After 8 days on antibiotics my pretty girl was covered head-to-toe in the scariest rash/hives I've ever seen. No more antibiotics and a swift visit to her pediatrician. Over time she's now looking like a normal 14 month old and not the child people were gasping at in the waiting room. No more penicillin for Annabelle!
We've plunged into the process of remodeling our upstairs bathroom, which also serves as the guestroom bathroom since its on that side of the house. This means we've only got 4 more weeks to complete our project until 5 Guevaras and 2 DePuys nestle into our little house for Christmas. My excitement for Christmas and New Years would have to be in an entirely separate post. YAY.
I have friends now. No, real friends. Since living in middle-of-the-woods-town you could count the number of friends I actually visited with, on some sort of regular basis, on my pinkie finger. Since joining MOMS Club I have real, live, multiple friends. Who not only visit with me on a regular basis, but make me laugh until I just might wet my pants and who care about my little girl and each day of my nauseated pregnancy. Friends who give great hugs and make yummy food. Friends who pray for me and read great books with me and give me baby clothes. I love having friends. Its been far too long.
Now for the most frustrating thing of all in my life right now, which so many (I'm sure) can relate to. My non-pregnancy clothes are getting far too tight and my maternity clothes are still far too big and frumpy on me. I completely forgot about this stage, and I hate it. I'd almost rather be huge and fit into some decent looking clothes. For now, I'll squeeze into the few things that still fit and wait patiently until I can wear the adorable maternity clothes I've been given for this pregnancy. *Sigh* Soon I'll feel kicks and rub a cute tummy...instead of feeling like I'm just CHUBBY.
So this is what is happening in the little Dowling household. We have so much to be thankful for and even in my frustrations and crazies I realize the goodness of God in my life. He has been so good to us.
Heather Dowling at 8:57 PM
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
We spent four hours in the Emergency Room last night with Annabelle. By 4pm yesterday afternoon I knew her bad cold had become much more with obvious signs of trouble breathing, horrid wheezing, and non-stop whining and moaning (not like my girl at all). Our ER visit was awful. I'm not even sure I can go into detail writing it out without coming to tears. So, after a round of doctors and nurses, breathing treatments, an x-ray (which I'm still having nightmares about), blood drawn, meds given and thrown up, another round of doctors and nurses, and bringing my baby home in a child's medical gown, she's being treated for pneumonia. My poor girl. She seems to be a bit better today with the medicine in her system and she napped this afternoon for an hour and a half, which is unheard of for her. I'm drained, but thankful. I'm cuddling her a lot more, handing her sippy cups as often as I can, and pouring prayer over her little body.In the midst of all the craziness of the night, our plans of a nice dinner and off to the polls were washed out completely. By 8pm in the ER I looked at R.Jay and said "this is really it. we are actually going to miss out on the most historic election for this country." And we did. We never voted. I was a bit crushed, but focused on praying for my sick girl, and praying for our sick country.
We didn't get home until after 10pm and soberly watched as America voted in their next president. While he wasn't my pick for what seemed best for the country, and obviously my vote wasn't counted anyhow, I'm still going to lift him up in prayer as often as I can. I'll pray for his heart and his actions. I'll pray for his soul. And I'll certainly pray for America.
Heather Dowling at 8:51 PM