Monday, August 10, 2009
its about time...
:: Bennett is HUGE. Okay, maybe not compared to babies in the 90th percentile, or something crazy like that, but in comparison to baby Annabelle... he's a tank. [Official weigh-in on the 17th.] He has bright blue eyes that will melt your heart and sweet smiles and coos you can't help but drool over. The rolls that were formally his thighs are my favorite. Annabelle seemed to have lacked all that insane baby chub. He certainly eats more and sleeps less that his big sister did, but he is already proving to be a bit more mellow than her. Amazingly enough. We're just so in love with all his baby boy-ness.
His birth was somewhat quicker (as in I went in for a non-stress test in the morning and realized in the middle of Walmart we were having a baby that afternoon), although the intensity of my labor for him was much stronger. Two pushes in comparison to 45 minutes of pushing for Annabelle was heavenly. All in all, I was thankful to have done it natural and to have R.Jay, Mom, Heidi, and Gina all there to witness! Props to my midwife... she was awesome.
(singing her heart out at the concert on Saturday)
:: Annabelle is embracing toddler-hood to the fullest! My quiet little baby girl has turned into a non-stop energizer bunny big girl. Next month my firstborn turns 2 (yes, that's hard to swallow) and we'll celebrate with a big butterfly bash with all the trimmings! [Count on pics.] She's a whole 23lbs now and still sneaking by in 12-18 month clothing. I'm sure her baby brother will outgrow her before we know it. She dances. ALL. THE. TIME. And sings. And tells you huge stories you only wish didn't sound like Chinese. She really adores her baby brother. She plays mommy and eats up every second she can with 'the baby!' whom she refuses to call Bennett. He is just simply 'our baby'. She's a blast, and a handful, and I love her to pieces. She recently went to her very first concert. She danced for an hour and half to The Laurie Berkner Band and, honestly, hasn't stopped since. She's our entertainment.
:: Us grown-ups... well we're busy. As if you didn't expect that. R.Jay continues to work in Watertown full-time with lots of job security (praise God!). If he isn't working, or smooching his babes, you can find him plugging away at projects on the house. Annabelle, Bennett, and I hang out at home or attend MOMS Club events and even manage to do some fun outings together now and then. I turned 25 on Saturday and can't help but look back over the last five years and be utterly overwhelmed at how fast its all gone. 5 more years and I'll be 30. Ugh. 5 more years and Annabelle will be 7. AH! Okay...enough of that... its frightening.
We have a new church! Its still new (as in about 4 weeks of attendance) but we're so happy and we're so in love with these people who are so in love with God! We're excited to see our family grow with this family of God and to be a part of some great things going on in the Church.
So, we're happy... we're healthy... and we love Jesus. :)
Heather Dowling at 9:07 PM