Thursday, January 07, 2010


Welcome, brand new year. You've come entirely too fast...

It seems like yesterday - no really- that Bennett was born. Next week my baby boy will hit 7 months old... and I'll probably cry. Just like every other tear that was shed at 6 months, and five, and four... His 'babyhood' is racing by whereas Annabelle's felt like it lasted longer. Then again... she's almost 2 1/2. Don't even get me s

The begin of this brand new year marks a lot for us. We're settling into the routine of a family of four. The year ended without employment and is starting just the same. R.Jay has been out of work for 6 weeks now. God never fails. I couldn't even begin to make a list of how much we have been blessed in the last 6 weeks. God always comes through and His kids and His bride have blessed the socks of us. We're happy, we're healthy, we're fed, and we're warm. Most important - we're growing, we're stretching, we're learning, we're loved.

We're in a fantastic new church. We have amazing new friends. We're becoming Aunt & Uncle (and great Aunt & great Uncle!!!) to some brand new little boys this spring. We're planning trips, house renovations, and even contemplating when and where a move will come. 2010 will prove to be eventful and full of fun.

So, Christmas decorations are back in the basement. This little house finally looks like 4 people occupy it... not 20. Goodbyes are said to far away family and plans are set in motion for future visits. We ache deep down to be closer, to be there, or here, or just together. We remember His plans are greater than ours. His purpose bigger, better, BEST.

So deep breathe, big sigh... Welcome, 2010! You're right on time, for this little family's update:

At almost 7 months old Bennett has the greatest personality. His smile is contagious... all two teeth included. He sits up and plays well with his big sister. He laughs, a lot. He eats, a ton (and nurses, a ton!). He's hilarious... no really, you just have to be around him to understand just how funny this kid can be. He's a boy, my boy, in every sense of the word. Already.

Annabelle is a sweet girl. Her tiny chubby arms and legs have changed into the busy limbs of a growing girl. Anything including markers, crayons, pens, pencils, and every craft/creative object is right up her ally. Her curls fall down her back now a
nd I just might snap at you if you tell me to cut her hair. She sings and she puts on dance shows for her audience (Bennett, Daddy, & Mama). She knows each word (and motion!) to all her favorite songs, and often sings them into her new microphone. She knows all her colors and will gladly shout them out to you in the middle of Wal-Mart.

My babes are growing fast and we're taking mental pictures (and a whole lot of digital ones too!) of everything to store into our memory banks. We're really having fun, and we're learning. Most of all, we're remembering the point of all this: we're raising a little woman and a little man. Someday these sweet babies will be big people. Big people, we pray, living for Christ.

What a big, awesome, responsibility.

Heather Dowling at 9:49 PM



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