Wednesday, October 06, 2010
goodbye sweet summer, hello favorite fall
Our life, in four months.
We kicked off our summer with Annabelle's June 2010 dance recital. She stole the show (literally at one point). We were so proud!
Bennett turned ONE. Still hard for this Mama to swallow, but he's all that one would expect in a 1-year old boy. He's busy, but quiet. He's gentle, but tough. He loves tractors and trucks and matchbox cars. He's thrilled with drum sets and even received his very own single drum. He is a mama's-boy and I am never going to complain about that. I love every single kiss, cuddle, and hug he gives throughout the day. He's our little lover.

He likes to be dirty. What is it with boys? He dove into his 1st birthday cake in all true-boy style. Messy.
Annabelle and Bennett had their very first fishing adventure. In all honestly, Bennett caught several fish with Papa Dowling's help while Annabelle caught zero. I don't think she cared much.
We all were able to be a part of Aunt Rachel and Uncle Zak Rosser's wedding on July 2nd! Annabelle was thrilled to have her hair done with a curling iron for the very first time.
We spent the 4th of July in North Carolina with the Guevara family. It was our first visit meeting their new cousin, Isaiah, and we shared lots of laughs, kisses, hugs, and memories.
Bennett had his first viewing of fireworks. And loved every single second of it. Annabelle, still not so much.
The kids took their first canoe ride. And the canoe tipped. Annabelle was caught under the canoe for moments and my heart nearly burst. All were well, but we were taught how precious those little lives are for just a split second. (Photo taken moments before the big splash.)
We had LOTS of beach trips. LOTS. We enjoyed Lake Bonaparte more than any other year. I love living near the lake!
R.Jay finished our new patio next to the garage. (It now sports a new umbrella and a more finished look.) We ate out on the patio as much as possible! Iris bulbs were given to us and will bloom behind the patio next year!

My gardens grew as fast as my kids. Bennett had his first haircut which he is sporting in the photo below.
Annabelle turned THREE. 3 seems like such a milestone. She is leaving the toddler days and clinging onto being a big girl. She potty-trained over the summer, her vocabulary jumped, and her personality bloomed. She discovered a new love for all things Tinkerbell and has become quite the dancing/singing entertainment in the Dowling household. She's our star. Her birthday was celebrated in a fun cupcake theme. You wouldn't know by her petite size, but our girl is extremely fond of cakes and chocolates! I love closing the day with this vibrant girl and waking up to discover what more she'll become that day. She's priceless.
The babes hanging out in the backyard tree on Annabelle's actual birthday. I can foresee a lot of climbing use out of this tree in the years to come.
We welcomed fall on walks through Harrisville. Annabelle was enlightened to just how much fun running through leaves can be. She refuses the stroller now.
Annual pumpkin picking was fun but C.O.L.D. Bennett took all the fun in and attempted each activity, while his cautious sister chose to be the observer. As usual.
We had our first real family picture shoot at the river here in town. A great friend of ours did an excellent job and fall has now officially been broken in! Candles are lit, pumpkin bread is made, and extra blankets are out. Fall is my favorite.

We are incredibly blessed. I couldn't possibly say this enough. God is so good to this little family.
Heather Dowling at 8:44 PM