Thursday, November 30, 2006

1 new dog
2 trips to Syracuse
3 times of feasting
4 silly sisters
5 celebrated birthdays
a whole lot of craziness, fun, and love.
Heather Dowling at 2:04 PM
Friday, November 17, 2006
I have hives. These foreign itchy bumps that keep me up at night and irritate me during the day. Stress is the likely diagnosis from my doctor. When she asked me what could be stressing me I had to chuckle after the long list I spouted off to her. Losing a baby, finding out your husband's mother has breast cancer, going to treatments with her, stressors of church leadership, babysitting, stepping into a huge financial decision of buying a home, having boxes EVERYWHERE in my current home and finding it impossible to not only find your belongings but manage to clean and move around such chaos. Yes, I chuckled. I laughed. Just as Abraham and Sarah laughed at the possibility of Isaac at such an old age and such a grim outlook.My chaos is so little in light of a loving Father.
Heather Dowling at 12:57 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
packing & projects
Our dressers are finished and are looking quite smashing if I do say so myself. A nice mahogany finish and stainless steel handles turned our old, scratched, written-on dressers into a lovely new bedroom set.On to the next project...turning our now oak hutch and dining set into an elegant black/oak dining set. Also, taking the head and foot board of the guest bed and painting it the new elegant black I'm all the more loving these days.
Just after thanksgiving we'll be shipping all of our (insane amount of) belongings to the now green house around the corner. (God give me patience until we paint the house). Next week begins the rush of family coming from North Carolina, 6 family birthdays in a row, moving, and Christmas fun!
My hope is to start posting some actual interesting stuff on here in two weeks. Hope being the key word.
Heather Dowling at 1:06 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
feeling quite shattered... thankfully...
I have not much, to offer You.Not near what You deserve.
Still I come, because Your cross, has placed in me my worth.
Oh Christ my King, of sympathy, whose wounds secure my peace.
Your grace extends to call me friend.
Your mercy sets me free.
And I know I'm weak, I know I'm unworthy, to call upon Your name.
But because of grace, because of Your mercy, I stand here unashamed.
I can't explain this kind of love, I'm humbled and amazed.
That You'd come down, from heaven's heights, and greet me face to face.
Here I am at Your feet.
In my brokenness, complete.
Heather Dowling at 2:55 PM
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I have the greatest husband on this earth. I may get a few disagrements, but you won't change my mind.:)
Heather Dowling at 1:10 PM