Monday, July 30, 2007
New pictures.Heather Dowling at 8:10 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
34 weeks

*We're pretty sure she doesn't have Daddy's long pointed nose.
*We're having fun guessing she's got long legs like Daddy's but her face is resembling her mama's.
*We're in awe that this sweet baby, OUR daughter, is going to be joining us in a matter of weeks.
Amazing, huh?
Heather Dowling at 9:23 AM
Friday, July 20, 2007
*I've probably burnt about a million calories just in laughing this week.*I'm exhausted from keeping up with a energy-filled 15 year old, but I don't want her to leave - ever.
*I'm grateful our house is coming along nicely, but also wishing we were done already.
*I'm still soaking in words from guest ministry over the last month.
*I'm thankful for friendships, and having lunch with an old elementary school friend.
*I've enjoyed the bountiful kicks and turns from our sweet baby lately. (Who knew just staring at my stomach would be such entertainment.)
I'm having fun and thanking my Saviour.
Heather Dowling at 10:02 AM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
just updating... for now
32 weeks pregnant today with a good report from my midwife. Baby is well, mom is well.I lost 1lb. Somehow losing that tiny little pound felt good after the 22lb. gain I've made since January. Even if it won't last long and is sure to sky rocket in the next two months.
The summer heat hasn't been a bit of a bother... until last night. Tosses and turns and failed attempts to sleep despite blowing fans and open windows. Why must we always have the highest humidity on the hottest days here in northern NY?
I never fathomed how much my ribs could ache. Most often at night, the pain above my belly and in my upper back makes me crawl to our living room floor to stretch and gain some sort of relief. Anyone else understand my complaint?
My frustration with finding pillows to go with our new couches led me to JoAnne Fabrics. Instead of purchasing pillows at $12-30 a piece, we now have 7 beautiful pillows for $20, and my grandmother's sewing machine up and running. [I'll include pictures later.]
On Friday I'll meet my biggest sister in Watertown to pick up my littlest sister. We'll have many days to laugh at each other, organize baby clothes, work on the nursery, and plan fun outings! You can imagine how excited I am.
I've had the privilege of watching a friend's 5 month old daughter lately. She'll laugh at our dog until she just can't handle her gut wrenching laughter anymore. Its great fun. Its also fun knowing that this little lady will be great friends with our little lady, considering they'll be sharing backyards.
... and yet another mindless update for all to enjoy...
Heather Dowling at 3:03 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
My mind feels like mush today. My eyes are heavy. My limbs ache. Give me the living room floor and I could take a nice long nap.And there's no explanation. Sure, we've been busy. Nothing extravagant though. I'm just plain pooped out. I have no creative thing to write, let alone anything informative. I just don't think my mind is capable of thinking today.
Being pregnant has sure been an adventure.
Heather Dowling at 11:30 AM