Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My midwife tells me I've had some early labor happening and this makes me ever-hopeful for a baby soon. The baby's head has completely descended and is ready for D-day. Her heartbeat is great, my blood-pressure is fantastic, my weight is right on target... and, well, that's about it. More waiting.Danica tells me the longer I go and the bigger she gets won't really effect my labor. So the idea of pushing out a 9.5lb baby my first time isn't so frightening anymore. Thanks. (In all reality, I doubt she's anywhere near 9.5lbs.)
My mom tells me she's tired of waiting. If we're still playing this "waiting game" by Thursday, my mom will hop on a plane and come wait with me. If we're not waiting until Thursday, I'll get to see her even sooner. I'm super excited.
My boredom tells me I need to do something different. So today all fall decorations came out of the basement and into my home. Better to do it now then in the midst of major company and some mommy-learning.
My mind tells me its been six years now. Six years since I first realized the reality of terrorists. Six years since I was in NYC listening to the saddest stories from strangers in a park. Six years since history was made in such awful actions from such lost souls. Six years since I saw Americans change their views and unite. Despite such a sad day, its now a day that make me ever more happy to say I'm proud to be an American.
Heather Dowling at 1:30 PM
- at 3:01 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
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- at 3:10 PM mrsdmf72205 said...
I'm so happy you're having early labor happenings! How exciting! Just remember, no matter how long you have to wait, it's all in God's timing!
- at 5:21 PM said...
ehhh... 9.5 lbs.is nothing. :-)
- at 9:28 PM said...
Well, I can vouch for the fact that 8lbs felt absolutely no easier than 10! (Or maybe I should phrase it, "10lbs felt no harder than 8," 'cause that makes it sound better!)