Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I doubt anyone could tell me when my so-called "little" sisters became these two beautiful young ladies.
Heather Dowling at 11:33 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Does this constant vomiting never end?Heather Dowling at 5:15 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
In a moment...
it all becomes real. How amazing is it that one tiny heartbeat can have such an effect on our lives and render me tearful!Today was my 16 week visit with my midwife (whom I'm loving more and more with each visit). That heartbeat we've been so longing to hear clearly was loud, strong, and relatively fast. My midwife informs me she can always hear lots and lots of movement. I suppose this baby takes after his/her father as the adventurer on the go.
Heather Dowling at 7:38 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Just because I'm excited...
Name that baby!Its about time I share on here the names we've chosen for this special little person joining us late summer, since I've shared with just about every person who doesn't read this and every stranger in Wal-mart, the mall, or Price Chopper. Ok, maybe not.
baby boy:
Rushton Bennett Dowling {to be called Bennett}
(Rushton because its R.Jay's name as well as his father's. Bennett because I love the name and it means 'little blessed one')
baby girl:
Annabelle Rose Dowling
(Annabelle because it means 'beautiful grace'. Rose after my eldest sister's middle name.)
So there they are, the names now written and the possibilties and ponderings of who this amazing person will be and the life it will live. It may be early to start spouting off names, but to my defense... I'm just all too thrilled and can't contain it any longer.
Heather Dowling at 8:14 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
a moment with old friends
A fun night with the Levenduskys minus the Daddy. You'd never know Esther was the sweetest least goofiest of the family. What a fun evening to highlight a day of nausea, vomitting, and drowsiness.Heather Dowling at 11:25 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
life news

*Still waiting on that 2nd trimester-glowing pregnant-great feeling.
*Feeling completely grateful that I'm in my second trimester.
*Getting all the more excited for a friend's baby to arrive. All the more because I get to be present for the arrival.
*In typing an email this morning, I'm loving the names we've chosen for baby #1 even more than before. Seeing them typed out makes it all the more real (am I silly?).
*The Dowling home now owns a digital camera, a new laptop, and wireless internet (we've been without since December). Ah.
*My hair has been chopped yet again and I absolutely love it. It seems I'm in a holding pattern... when I finally begin to grow my hair out again, I start to desire a drastic chop. What ever happened to the Heather with 3 feet of long hair? See pictures here.
*Our master bedroom is almost complete thanks to help from family. Next comes the nursery!
Heather Dowling at 1:31 PM