Wednesday, June 27, 2007
life from our backyard
Heather Dowling at 5:57 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
30 weeks
Until recently I hadn't thought about the fact that this just might not be a girl growing inside me. While either way we'll be thrilled, I should probably consider packing a little boy's outfit in my overnight bag. Just in case.Until recently I hadn't noticed just how much work we still have to get done on the upstairs of our house before baby arrives. While R.Jay has been working on it every free minute he has, and we've come a long way, September seems to be approaching fast.
Until recently I hadn't thought too much about labor beyond the knowledge of how new and painful it will be. While I'm up for the challenge, I'm starting to freak a little.
Until recently I hadn't realized just how many little belongings we have for our new baby. A lack of some bigger items is starting to cramp into my memory bank and I'm all the more hopeful we'll get most of what we need at my shower in August. Also, all the more hopeful that this baby will go full-term considering said shower is only 4 weeks before her due date. (And of course I'll need to go shopping after my shower and before she comes.)
Until recently I hadn't realized how far this ticker has come:

Funny how a milestone, like 30 weeks, will make you notice things. And panic.
Heather Dowling at 9:08 PM
Saturday, June 16, 2007
approaching week 29...
Heather Dowling at 6:38 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
simple things
On my travels in Watertown today... I enjoyed a strawberry/raspberry smoothie, an Auntie Anne's pretzel, and a glance at some pretty house decor I can't afford at TJ Maxx.On my return home... my husband made dinner. A fun one at that. French toast.
In my husband's absence tonight at the gym, I ventured out for a walk with my cute dog. What a pretty town we have in the summertime.
Simple days with simple pleasures makes my heart so grateful.
Heather Dowling at 9:47 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
32 and even more wonderful
Happy Birthday to my hubby. Today is proving to be a relaxing day to celebrate my tremendous husband. No home improvement work, no projects, no stress. A day free of work, cancelled appointments, yummy food and guests, and of course a ride for him on his dirt bike into the woods. Much deserved.He really is the greatest, you know.
Heather Dowling at 10:03 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
where do days go now?
Each time I look at our calendar, it seems four days have gone by where I think only one has. Its hard to even imagine in only three months we'll be parents. When did days start flying by instead of dragging on throughout this pregnancy? It all seems too fast and I'm realizing all the more why I should treasure each little movement and moment in this little girls brand new life.Heidi & Joe left this morning and our house is quiet again. Yes, Heidi brings lots of loud laughter and Joe brings tools - which creates loud noises where our house is being ripped apart. We love it. We love company and especially Heidi & Joe's.
Today I spent a large portion of the afternoon sitting in a hospital room similar to one I'll be holding our baby in soon. An (unknown) bladder infection brought a lot of strange pain and a call to my midwife. While I'm not one to jump at every twitch, pain, or cramp my midwife wanted to be "safe than sorry" and I was fine with that. I now have decided I hate the contraction and fetal monitors they strap to your stomach. I remember all her trouble with them and can now inform you my experience was horribly annoying too.
Our baby is very active. Even the nurses this afternoon each had to make comments on her constant kicking and flips. Her movements kept finding her heartbeat impossible and most nights keep this mama-to-be wide awake. No, I'm not complaining. I'm bragging. I love my baby.
... when did this site become an updates-only place?...
Heather Dowling at 8:54 PM
Friday, June 01, 2007
Its really Friday already. How did that happen? So here's how life in the Dowling world has been... better late than never...Our visit to North Carolina was the best ever. Hands down. Though a quick trip, we laughed more than ever and swam more than ever. We relaxed and ate and everyone took turns feeling our baby move. As a first time mom, having my family feel those wonderful pops, that I am so in awe with, was just priceless. My Dad still seems to be trying to wrap his brain around the fact that I'm going to be a mom. After hugs in the airport he mumbled, "I can't believe my daughter is having a daughter." Big changes!
Another priceless was R.Jay's first experience swimming in the ocean. I doubt he was out of the water for more than 30 minutes the entire day. I was even able to enjoy my mother's attention solely on me for one morning and afternoon. We cooked and talked and laughed and picked strawberries. How much I missed my mama!
Our trip to and from was also another first for R.Jay. His first time in an airplane and as he states "we'll never drive down again". Yes, that's how much he loves it now. Or maybe its the fact he absolutely hates sitting in a vehicle for 13 hours.
Needless to say it was fantastic and too short. Now we're patiently (OK, well trying to be patient) awaiting my sisters later next month. Its mind-boggling how much my younger sisters have grown up into beautiful young women. Its also so much more fun now that they're older and enjoy the same things Heidi and I do. My brother, Samuel, is absolutely obsessed with Annabelle. He's a very proud uncle-to-be and clearly shows it. I love my family.
Now, life resumes for us with R.Jay off to work and I here to begin organizing, cleaning, and remodeling projects. Thank goodness for Heidi and Joe visiting this weekend to help with remodeling the upstairs.
Last night was another first, for both of us. Its funny how long we can be entertained by my bouncing belly. More than just feeling her kicks and crazy movements, my belly is now obviously showing these fun pops. She's an entertaining little creature!
We're so blessed.
Heather Dowling at 12:55 PM