Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm really not sure how many of you with more children and more responsibilities have time to post. Ever. I find myself trying to accomplish the I-need-my-hands-free tasks during Annabelle's little sleep snippets and the times R.Jay takes her for some Daddy and his girl time, rather than hopping on here to update, catch up on others, and browse the usual favorites. Maybe it is just a season.Speaking of little sleep...Annabelle went from two great long naps during the day to 20-30 minute "power" naps throughout the day. Just in the last month. This is the second day of sleepiness for us grown-ups too, as Annabelle feels its necessary to stay up until 3am. Where did my routine-loving girl go?
We've all been sick. Which means the house isn't quite as kept to my liking and we retreat like hermits for awhile. (A rather hard thing for one who loves the company of others.) It also means I feel sluggish, even as I'm getting better. I hate feeling sluggish. My mind gets mushy and my attitude cold. My heart seems distant and my drive fades. I seem to slump into someone I can't stand.
Yet! Today I feel eternity, for Christ has set it in my heart. I feel the weight of my actions beyond this moment. My attitude warms up and my hands get busy around this little house. And now that my baby is waking up from her 4th 20-minute nap today, I'll cuddle her and wipe her runny nose one more time because that is my purpose in this moment and I'll do it with eternity in my mind.
With that said.... Annabelle smiles big and begins to "talk" to me. How great is that?
Heather Dowling at 2:24 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
the happenings of a 5 month old...
Yes, five months. Where that last month went, I'll never know.
She makes me smile all day long. (Most likely because she's smiling. All day long.) I couldn't have ever imagined just how sweet she would be. She's no longer my daytime sleep champion, thanks to some teething. That's okay. It gives me more snuggle time. So between R.Jay being sick, an anniversary get-a-way, a teething baby, and a little holiday I've managed to sqeeze in some pictures (of course!) of what Annabelle's been up to lately...
Puckering up for Valentine's Day.

Making Valentine's treats. (Okay, so I made them, but she sat happy in her Moby while doing so. That counts, right?)
She's becoming more adventurous on her belly, trying to figure out how to keep those knees up and utilize them.

Showing off her very first swimsuit.

Trying out a great big pool for the first time. (At the hotel on our get-a-way.) Notice she doesn't dare take her eyes off the water.
Heather Dowling at 9:17 AM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Three Years

It really doesn't seem possible that we've been married for three years. When R.Jay comes home from work I still get giddy. Then again, I can't remember much of my life without him. I like him that much.
Our marriage is even more than I dreamed of. God's blessing in my life is more than I could have fathomed. I'm undeserving of this incredible life and wonderful man, yet God intervened and had a plan. I'll never get tired of thanking Him.
R.Jay is, honestly, the most loving person I know. He's the best person I know. He's my best friend. I never get tired of his presence and I'd rather go anywhere with him than with any other. He's a great Dad. He adores us and most importantly, he's completely in love with Christ. I think I love that the most. No, I know I do.
Heather Dowling at 9:28 AM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
"I know a girl, she puts the color inside of my world...."
Heather Dowling at 9:54 PM