Thursday, April 24, 2008
Its pretty sad how this blog has become a what-Annabelle-is-doing-this-month journal to only those who appreciate the small things babies can accomplish in 4 weeks. Yeah. Its been that busy. Now, onward to spring and summertime activities and we've got ourselves wrapped up in whole other bundle of adventures. Don't be fooled, we're having fun too. I've managed to take a walk with the babe almost every single day of this crazy beautiful weather. We're also busy grilling on our very first outdoor grill given to us and cleaning up our huge backyard.In the midst of all the fun and busyness I'm spring cleaning in my soul. Maybe the reason I haven't written on here so often isn't my [excuse] to-do list. Just maybe there is too much going on in my heart. Too much to possibly write coherently on a blog. Then again, maybe there are days were there is just nothing. Nothing worthy to share on this big world wide web. How sad. How sad that I can't get it together enough lately to define what God is doing in me in the moments He seems to be shouting at me and in the moments He seems to be silent, but intent on working on me.
In all honesty I need my closet. My space to just be with Him. I need so much more of that lately. Even if that requires a happy baby girl to join me in that space, be it doing dishes or changing stinky diapers. I need to stop procrastinating and start grasping what He's speaking. I need so much more of Christ. I need clear vision and direction. So, I'm admitting it out into the abyss of blog-world and now I've included all readers in on keeping me accountable. Right?
(Forgive my melancholy attitude. There really is hope and joy in this post. I promise.)
On a completely different note, Heidi and Joe flew to Costa Rica today. So pray for them and their adventures as missionaries. Pray for me too - so I don't go completely nuts without any of my family close. :)
Heather Dowling at 3:48 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Back to it.
To the reality that my parents and Heidi and Joe can't stay visiting in our little house forever.
A reality that my parents have to fly thousands of miles to their home now, which seems even farther away today.
A reality that my big sister leaves for Costa Rica in 9 short days and won't set eyes on our little abode again until Christmas.
The reality of my simple life here in our simple town. A sweet baby to tend to, laundry to stuff in machines, and floors to be vacuumed. Back to some sort of routine.
Why doesn't the leaving after each visit get easier? Why is the distance between New York and North Carolina so much farther now that I can't share Annabelle with them? Why did my sister have to choose Costa Rica and Mexico as home? Or is it that He chooses? He plants. He moves. He knows. He cares. Yeah...
Reality is that my daughter turns 7 months old today. Her attempts at singing are absolutely priceless. The amount she can eat, yet still remain small, is absolutely mind-boggling. The way she claps and says "Yay!" at just about everything she does is absolutely adorable. How she sits still and studies each book read to her is absolutely amazing. When she kisses me each time I ask and gives big hugs, I absolutely come undone. I love this baby woman.
Heather Dowling at 1:35 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
In our small circle of friends and family, three new little people joined this crazy world in the last two days. Today, I had the privilege of holding one and sniffing all his newness in. A fresh new baby will always make you realize just how big your children are getting. While Annabelle still remains to be a somewhat small baby, it shocked me to see just how big my little girl has gotten in light of that brand new baby.Wow.
So, welcome to our world...
Hannah Orinda Flack,
Anna Sophie Delphine De Lair,
and Isaiah Christian Thompson
Don't you just love babies?
Heather Dowling at 5:31 PM
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
lots and lots.Annabelle's Easter loot.

"Is this all mine?"
(Basket from Grandpa & Grandma)
Heather Dowling at 7:52 AM