Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I've been a bit emotional, haven't I? Therefore, for your sake and for my sake, this will be a update on the Dowling life.It's Tuesday already, almost halfway through the work week and I haven't even mentioned what a wonderful weekend we had.
Friday night brought our young men and women from Generation group (youth group) to our house with questions and comments and a good time of fellowship. (Along with my not so homemade cookies!)
Saturday R.Jay and I enjoyed a nice breakfast together (something very rare for times sake) and we spent a wonderful afternoon and evening at some good friends house being encouraged, strengthened, and refreshed. (And fed with some incredible bbq from - may I dare say the grill master). And let us not forget entertained... with Alyssa's funky dance beats and Lael's eagerness to grow up so she can "stay up late, wear make-up, and wear jewlery."
Sunday brought church with people we love and a restful afternoon as husband and wife. Hiking to Green Pond and sharing in the warmth of spring and fresh new sunsets. That evening a great friend dyed my hair. I am now officially a brunette. No more airheaded blonde jokes.
This week will be busy, as it's already been proved. Last night we sat with the best at our leader's dinner and God encouraged us all that the work we toil at is unto Him, and only Him. That as I grow frustrated at my surroundings and lack of personal or others growth is only because I have not counted my diligence to teach, to grow, and to learn as a priviledge from God. How silly I am to forget such a simple concept! How reminded I am that I need reminding, constantly.
The remainder of this will be hectic, but I will remain strong. Friday is my last day of working my full-time secular job. What peace!
Friday afternoon I'll inherit four children for the weekend ages 1-10. That night we'll cozy into my in-laws home with our Generation friends for burritos and homemade salsa! Saturday brings the ladies luncheon, which reminds me I haven't bought the groceries for the dish I'm preparing! Sunday brings R.Jay and I and four little kiddos to church and then to Watertown in the afternoon. Practice makes perfect! Why not get out parenting skills into shape?
Monday brings rest. Home. Thank you Jesus.
Now you all know what our life entails for now. Have a great day!
Heather Dowling at 12:13 PM
Friday, March 24, 2006
who am i?
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.Only through experience of trial and suffering can
the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition
inspired, and success achieved. ~Helen Keller
It sums up the last couple weeks of my life I believe.
April 8th. 1:00pm. Spring Ladies Get-Together. Finally.
Feel free to leave your R.S.V.Ps on here!
More to come
Life less busy
Heather Dowling at 9:10 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Blown Away
Over the course of the last three days our lovely adirondack scene has been ravaged by frigtening wind gusts, leaving toppled trees and scattered debris over the roads and throughout the once peaceful woody backdrop. Last night I lay in bed feeling my little home shudder in the wind and listening to such a forceful howl through my windows. I was reminded of the disciples fear in Matthew chapter 8 as waves crashed against their boat and wind wailed all around them. Jesus recognized their fear as a lack of faith. And we all know the story, the disciples were amazed that "even the wind and waves obey" what the Lord commanded. I once heard a pastor speak of fear and ask the congregation why on earth would we allow fear into our lives if we have completely submitted our lives to Christ? Why would we ever fear something of this world, even death, when we have such a hope? The unknown is frightening. I lie away at night thinking about all the things I don't know until some sort of fear grips at my stomach. This blustery wind has got my noggin' thinking though. I'm sure victims of Hurricane Katrina can agree that wind is terrifying at times. Something so invisible, yet so destructive..."The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8
We have such a promise. Such a hope. If Christ is in this wind, I want to be in the center of the storm.
You rebuke the wind and the waves
Once again I find I'm amazed at the power of your will
Because I'm a child of little faith
I feel the wind and forget your grace
And you say, "Peace Be Still."
There on the storm I am learning to let go
The white wave's high, it's crashing o'er the deck
And I don't know where I go
Where are you Lord, is my ship going down?
The mast is gone so throw the anchor
Should I jump and try to swim to land?
There on the storm, teach me God to understand
Of the Will that I just cannot control
There may I see all you love protecting me
I thank you Lord, you are the calmer of the storm.
Heather Dowling at 10:06 AM
Monday, March 13, 2006
I see the lifeless dust now resurrected, swirling up against my window paneAnd carried across the distance comes the long awaited fragrances of earth and rain
And out across the amber field the slender grasses bend and bow and kiss the ground
And in them I see the beauty of the souls who let the Spirit lay them down
And it takes my breath away
And a tear comes to my eye
It feels like something is on the way, so I look up to the sky and...
From the corners of creation
Comes the Fathers holy breath
Riding on a storm with tender fierceness
Stirring my soul to holiness
Warmer weather. Rain and Thunder. Summer storms. I can hardly wait.
*My position at Neighbors of Watertown is now filled. She started today and soon I will be home busy with home and church things. Very nice.
*A wonderful friend from work let me go through bags and boxes of baby girl/boy clothes. Now I'm leaving with a grocery bag full of clothes and booties for a sweet little one. Why not be prepared!?
*My headaches seemed to be getting worse, and this isn't fun at all. I've had one for two days non-stop now. No amount of medicine seems to be helping. Please pray.
*Church was wonderful yesterday. Pastor is speaking out of Joshua with power. Great word, great story, great God.
*I was able to visit with R.Jay's siter, Jennifer, and our niece, Riley, on saturday afternoon. Could any 10-month old possibly be cuter than my niece. I may be biased, but she's absolutely an angel. Blond hair and blue eyes. She was lots of fun but left her aunt with bite marks by the end of the evening. Who can blame such a face? I'd bite if objects were protruding from my gums as well. I do believe though, that such a pretty girl, deserves some cousins by now. Don't you?
*I truly believe CCFC is on the edge of something amazing. I believe our loving Saviour has not passed us by. I believe He is about to pour into our area like He did so long ago. So let it rain, Lord. Let it rain.
Well I suppose those are the tidbits of Dowling world I'll leave you with this afternoon.
Heather Dowling at 10:48 AM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Miracles are really happening. And I want to see them.I want Pastor Cool's wife to be healed.
I want R.Jay's grandmother's body to be rid of cancer.
I want Tim and Kathy to have a baby.
I want to see our church grow in numbers.
I want to see our youth hungry for Christ.
I want to see our congregation apply the principles.
I want to be a mother and see my husband become a father.
I want to be more like Jesus.
I want more.
What does God want?
Matthew 20:32-34 Jesus stopped and called them. "What do you want me to do for you?" he asked. "Lord," they answered, "we want our sight." Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Luke 11:9 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.
His Word has also told me that if I have faith the size of a mustard seed, I'll see mountains move. It seems He's just wanting me to ask a little more. A lot more.
Heather Dowling at 1:38 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Baby Madison

Congratulations Darren & Angie Cufaude on your new little girl!
Heather Dowling at 9:06 AM