Tuesday, May 29, 2007
A plate of peanut butter cookies on the counter, made today.Fresh cut white flowers in a vase on the dining room table.
Clean dishes drying and the smell of clean laundry in the dryer.
Evening sunlight pouring into dim rooms.
We're home. Moments like these make me realize, all the more, the sweetness of a loving God.
I love being R.Jay's wife. I love having a little one growing inside me.
I love this moment.
I'll share our fun family trip later. For now I just want to relish in the close of a day full of thankfulness.
Heather Dowling at 7:19 PM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
its been a while...
This evening we'll hop into our car and drive to my sisters in Syracuse to get to bed early and leave for an early flight to North Carolina. We'll swim and eat lots and laugh with family and of course make way too many baby comments and belly rubs. It'll just be plain fun.Its been a busy several days. Here's what I've found:
*Learning that I have a crazy amount of flowers that will be blooming next month. Thanks to my mother-in-law "knowing her flower stuff" I've come to realize that we'll be in flower bed heaven pretty soon in our backyard. Very exciting.
*Our flowering crab apple tree is beginning to flower it's fuchsia beauty. I'll promise a picture soon.
*Leading our Sunday School class ages 6-8. You never know how much you're going to laugh until you get into a room with our crew.
*Upholstering. I've reupholstered two small items in our home this week and had lots of fun doing so. Now on to two bigger projects - we'll see how good that goes.
*Free baby girl clothes and plenty of nice consignment shops in Watertown.
*Feeling all kinds of craziness in my belly from Annabelle. She makes my day sometimes.
*When my dog goes to the bathroom on my kitchen floor twice in one day. What's up with that? He's house trained!
*Blowing insulation into the walls of our upstairs. I helped my husband and now my back and feet are paying the price. This is a very messy and straining job, but it had to be done.
*The fact that I still haven't picked a color for the neutral walls in our living room, nor have I picked pillows to go with our new furniture. I'm so picky.
*Sunday school ends next week and I have to wait until September in order to start new lessons. Patience.
*Thorough cleanings of our refrigerator. I don't know why but I despise doing this.
*Having the flu, last week, while almost six months pregnant. Much harder.
I think I'll stop there. Wouldn't want my dislikes to start outweighing the likes.
Heather Dowling at 10:56 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yes, I'm bored too... just like her. After plugging in my guess for her little one due shortly after mine, I thought a game/poll to guess our little gal's information would be fun. Sorry for the lack of stats to help the guess better... we'll try that next time.
Heather Dowling at 9:15 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day
Heather Dowling at 8:46 PM
Thursday, May 10, 2007
23 weeks and counting
More pictures here.
Heather Dowling at 4:46 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2007
I hope I'm not the only mama-to-be who has days where she wishes it was over already. Never wishing away my baby... just wishing she was here, safe in my arms, and the pain and sickness were done.Three nights in a row of little sleep....multitude of moments each day of holding back the sickness.... sore throat and achy ears..... crippling pain shooting through a sciatic nerve....
and sweet kicks from my favorite little person that even her daddy can feel now. This is why.
I told my husband recently that this is just a new season of lessons. A lesson in sacrifice, a lesson in mothering, a lesson in being His child. Realizing Christ was the ultimate parent and I was the oblivious child. Yet He sacrificed, He loved, and He called me His daughter. Despite the hardships, despite the laboring.
A labor of love. This is why.
Heather Dowling at 7:21 PM
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
We slept in our master bedroom the last two nights in a row now. Final touches on molding, closet shelves, and decor our being slowly added but what a huge sigh a relief to have our things moved in and a pretty room to sleep in.Saturday evening my mother-in-law and I caught the last show of High Button Shoes at CFC. What a fun performance and the perfect outing for this stuck-at-home mama-to-be. Props to all who performed/helped... the show was fantastic! I do have to say "Mr. Floy" made me feel quite old.. wasn't I just handing in a Friendship Clubhouse graduation diploma the other day? I suppose I had to grow up someday... and so did Jeremy.
Sunday morning R.Jay and I spent some time at the hospital ruling out anything wrong with the baby. After my fun outing I spent an entire night and morning in severe pain until I caved and called my midwife who thought it best to have it checked. It turns out a possible kidney stone or ovarian cyst was the culprit. All is fine now and baby's heartbeat was a healthy 157bpm.
My backyard is sprouting the most beautiful things. Most of them I'm going to have to do some reading on, but with some weeding and trimming I hope to have our yard looking quite lovely by summer.
It seems like the moment spring hit or calendars became filled. May hits with a fury and the rest of the summer doesn't seem to look very peaceful. At least we get to look foward to snuggling our baby this fall and relaxing in an almost finished home.
Plans are underway for a month long visit from my two younger sisters this July! I probably couldn't express to you how much they're missed and how terrible our phone bill would be if we didn't have our cell phones. I probably couldn't express to you how much I'm going to enjoy the company too... considering half the time its still laying on the couch hoping not to vomit again. My sisters make me laugh and I can't wait to have my home full of girls laughter and shopping trips (poor R.jay).
I think I'll stop for now. (I'm sure you're all thinking "Heather's bored".)
Heather Dowling at 3:45 PM