Wednesday, August 29, 2007
the happenings...
No signs of labor anytime soon. With over a week to go until my due date, I'm not sure why I was hoping she just might come early. She's my first, and my mother has gone late with ALL her babies. And if you haven't figured from past posts, I take after my mom A LOT.
So for now, I'm living off ice cream (OK, not really, but I eat plenty), enjoying the FREE air conditioner given to us, and browsing the Internet for some good finds. I religiously check for some furniture I'm hoping to find for this little house. If you haven't used this website yet, I highly recommend it. So far we've found a vanity/mirror sink set for our upstairs bathroom that is just adorable and the stroller we wanted off our registry for less than half the price and practically brand new. Lots of fun.
Since the renovation projects around this house are becoming too large a task for me, I've started on little things. Like scrubbing the refrigerator in detail, washing things I don't wash on a normal weekly basis, re-upholstery projects, and hanging pictures that have been in boxes for our 8 months of living here.
R.Jay has started walking with me each evening in hopes to get myself prepared for labor and hopefully get things moving. Last night, while walking and chatting, we realized that, to date, I have not lived in our current home and NOT been pregnant. How fun it will be with a new baby living here and not having to worry about vomiting constantly or over-doing my activities. I can't wait.
Our dog became deathly ill in the last month and had to be rushed to the vet. Now, let me remind those who know and educate those who don't... R.Jay and I are NOT pet people. Tanner was a gift, a free gift at that, and quickly became loved by us like part of the family. Call us crazy. $310.00 later we have a healthy dog again. I still can't believe we spent that much on a dog... but that's what happens when you drop the "we won't ever have a pet" ball and fall in love with a cute puppy.
We constantly talk about Annabelle. When doing normal activities around the house and using phrases like "its in the baby's room" or "is that Annabelle's?" we usually just have to stop and smile a bit. She's really coming and she's really ours. I just can't wait to meet her, to kiss her, and to hold her and tell her how much I've waited for her and how good God is to us, and to her.
Aren't you so excited??? :)
Heather Dowling at 2:51 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I've hit that crazy point where sleeping at night is near impossible, but a nice two hour long nap this afternoon was a dream. I can't imagine having a job or responsibilities that keep me from restful naps these days. I certainly can't imagine what is like for a few friends of mine to hit this point with little people already running around needing your attention.So props to all who do it, you're stronger, braver, and maybe full of a bit more coffee than I.
Heather Dowling at 2:39 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
...that fall is rapidly approaching. Leaves are already changing around here and the dip in tempature makes me very happy to be leaving summertime. I'm different....that I'm cooking a nice dinner tonight for my husband. Its been far too long since this tiny family has sat and enjoyed a homemade meal together.
...that Annabelle's due date is only 2 weeks away. I can hardly contain my excitement to meet my little girl.
...that I get a whole two weeks with MY mama when Annabelle is born. No teenagers, a husband, and work taking her attention from me. Just me and my mom... and my cute baby girl.
Heather Dowling at 5:30 PM
Friday, August 10, 2007
brace yourself...
I could probably write 8 posts with the amount I've done in 2 weeks and the emotional thoughts that I've been plagued with in that time... but I'll try to wrap it up in one.
My overnight bag and Annabelle's things are packed and in the trunk of my car. The car seat is securely fastened in the back seat of the car. All 0-3 and 3-6 month little girl clothing is washed and dried. The moses basket is awaiting a baby in the corner of my bedroom.
My midwife says I've started to drop and efface....
And all the while I keep did we get here so fast?
My birthday came and went this week. While my sweet husband tried to make it worthwhile, he was preoccupied with the death of his grandmother (on his father's side) and the funeral we had to attend that day instead. My 23rd birthday felt like any other day, and I realized this might be a sign of 'getting old'. When birthdays aren't days you look foward to two weeks before hand, but a day where you wake up to someone wishing you a happy birthday, and surprisng yourself by forgetting that was today.
Funerals are hardly ever easy, even if they're expected for awhile. While I didn't know R.Jay's grandmother, Emily, as much as I'd like, the event was harder than I thought. Staring across Emily's grave at my own mother-in-law, I realized just how much I'm not looking foward to the day I have to say good-bye to her. If anyone knows my relationship with R.Jay's mother, Norine, you can understand how awful that day will be for me. So when Norine hugs me good-bye at church for the third time (because she forgot if she already gave you one) I'll hold her a little tighter now.
The amount of gifts flooding every room in our house for Annabelle is astounding. After a baby shower, a family reunion, and a trip to an antique barn sale all last week... we're overloaded. Slowly things are finding a home, while others sit in awkward places until room can be made. Even still, things have found their way to boxes in the attic, basement, and garage. (You have no idea how thankful I am that we own a garage.)
One year ago, yesterday, my OB/GYN called our home with deepest apologies. A miscarriage was iminent. Then, you couldn't have convinced me that just a year later I'd be counting days until I met my very own daughter. Now, you couldn't convince me that God doesn't love me and my little family. His goodness is almost overwhelming and I've found myself in tears several times this week. Just thankful. So VERY thankful.
9 years ago, today, my mom lost her own mom. It hardly seems like it could have been 9 years ago that I looked at my mother in a whole new light. She wasn't just my mom, but she was someone's daughter. I tried putting myself in her shoes for the first time that year. And every year since. I haven't missed a phone call to her on August 10th just to see how she was for 9 years now. I cherish my mom. I miss my grandma.
Well so much for trying to wrap things up. If you could believe it, I've only touched the surface.
Heather Dowling at 2:36 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Picture Frenzy
With the arrival of some "new" things for Annabelle, my picture taking went into a frenzy. A small tour of parts of our house were included. Enjoy!New arrivals for baby:
Toddler chair for table

Baby's crib

Antique dresser for nursery
Head on over to my PHOTOS for more pictures!
Heather Dowling at 2:19 PM