Thursday, October 25, 2007
the bigger picture
Right now, being a mom is super fun. It has moments of challenges and times of being a bit sleepy still, but with all my attention focused on one little girl, it has most definitely been more fun. The house is kept up, the baby is happy, dinner is on the table, and my husband and I even manage to have grown-up conversations still. I'm trying to squeeze every ounce of bliss out of this season and still greatly anticipating the ones to follow. Isn't it silly how looking at Annabelle's newborn clothes and newborn diapers, that she's far outgrown now, makes me tear up for the tiny moments that passed much too fast? I know, I know...she's still small.Yet with all the fun I'm having dressing my baby up in cute clothes and drooling over her mushy cheeks and oh-so-cute chubby thighs, the bigger picture of why she is in our lives keeps knocking on my heart's door. The very idea that Christ foreknew my daughter, loves her more than I possibly could, and has her future all mapped out is breathtaking. The idea that the world we live in continues to fall deeper into sin each passing day and there is an enemy prowling around seeking to devour Life for Annabelle is real. So we pray. We teach, even now. We live our lives to love Him. When all is said and done, it won't matter how good I was at changing her diapers or putting her on nursing or sleep schedules, or even making her the best behaved child in Sunday School. It will matter where she spends eternity. It will matter if I guided her down the straight and narrow.
So while I kiss her awesome cheeks and show her off at a dinner party tonight, I'll remember the bigger picture.

Heather Dowling at 2:18 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Just because...
... she's cute.

(Or possibly because I'm too busy, lately, to put some real words on here.)
Heather Dowling at 4:50 PM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
As promised...

Heather Dowling at 9:50 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
better late than never...
My sweet baby hit 1 month old on Monday. A little scary to realize how quickly that passed and to know it only picks up from here.On Monday Annabelle, my mother-in-law, and I ventured to Watertown for the day for her check-up appointment and some yummy food and shopping. What a good baby I have! Shopping with Annabelle is fun, never straining... not to mention how much I love people drooling over my little lady. [Just don't touch please. Right?]
She weighs in at 9lbs. 3 oz. and is 20 5/8in. long. Despite her wonderful show of poo and pee all over Dr. Nancy's table, Nancy was smitten with her big smiles and soft coos and forgot such a disastrous mess. My poor girl has eczema. On her face, neck, shoulders, arms, and chest. I hope and pray now that with the cream we bought and doctors orders we can rid of this soon. I remember all too well caring for my little brother as he scratched himself until he bled. Not fun. At all. All in all, her appointment went great and we have a healthy 1 month old baby. Praise God.
(I intended to post some "1 month old" pictures of Annabelle, but blogger seems to be have a upload crisis of some sort. I'll try later.)
Heather Dowling at 11:05 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
4 weeks, already?

*4 weeks ago, at this time, I was pushing (and pushing and pushing) Annabelle into the world. The "fresh" days of baby's-first-days home are gone and we're welcoming in each new day of growth and blessing, and lets not forget sleeplessness.
*Annabelle is no fool. She gets that if she cries... someone comes to the rescue. So each night from about 10pm to 1am have been met with a fight from my daughter to fall asleep in her bed (basket). She's pretty cute about it too. Although, usually in those moments my mind is just praying for peace for her to fall asleep... so I can fall asleep. Though, I'll praise her for her long sleeps in between nightly feedings. Once she does finally doze off, my little princess has been known to go up to 5 hours without a peep (though the majority of the time its more like 3-4 hours... still great).
*She's finally outgrown her newborn clothes and fits perfectly into 0-3 months. Yay! The few newborn outfits I had for her were starting to get boring. Not to mention I couldn't wait for all the adorable 0-3 and 3-6 month clothes that were awaiting her in her drawers.
*She has put herself on a daily schedule. Every 2-3 hours she's ready to nurse and is quite content when not nursing, leaving her Momma to get lots done (most days).
I love my baby. Not just because she's great, and cute, and well... mine. I love her because she's my gift, our gift. She was placed here purposely and I hope I can live up to what God desires of me in her life.
Heather Dowling at 3:43 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
things i love...
*apple and pumpkin spice candle aromas filling our little home.*sweaters... especially since they're not maternity.
*socks and slippers
*the crisp air and leaves around my house
*the smell of things baking in my kitchen and the coziness it brings
*my daughter who smiles all the time and sometimes fusses just for her Momma's touch.
*my husband, whom I now call the father of my baby girl, and proudly so.
If ever I find myself unsatisfied, Lord, be quick to remind me of this life of blessing you've so graciously given me.
Heather Dowling at 12:53 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007

It seems the moment Annabelle was born the clock started moving faster. Days seem shorter and weeks fly by. It almost seems impossible she'll be 3 weeks old this weekend.

Along with snuggling our daughter and adjusting to this new life with baby, we've kept our schedules pretty full. Annabelle has already had several outings to Watertown and even went to the pumpkin patch and picked pumpkins out with her grandparents and cousin (ok, R.Jay really picked the pumpkins - but the pictures were cute). Church was fun, but when isn't showing off your adorable baby so much fun. It felt fresh getting back into worshipping with my church family and digging into a routine with Sunday School again. I missed church, a whole lot.
So, now we're settling into days of just momma and baby, awaiting 4pm to see daddy, and evenings of family time and kisses and hugs. These days are truly priceless.
Heather Dowling at 2:15 PM