Wednesday, January 25, 2006
When I'm weakYou make me strong
When I'm blind
You shine Your light on me
'Cause I'll never get by, living on my own ability
How refreshing to know You don't need me
How amazing to find that You want me
So I'll stand on Your truth and fight with Your strength
Until You bring the victory
By the power of Christ in me
To reach out with Your hands
To learn through Your eyes
To love with the love of a Saviour
To feel with Your heart
To think with Your mind...
I'd give my last breath for Your glory.
Just a bit of what my heart sings today. Thank you Casting Crowns for writing a piece of music much more eloquently (and with much more talent) than I could and still express my heart.
I'm home today. Home is great, a wonderful haven. Although, I look around and see all the chores that must be done and it frustrates me as I lay on the couch not feeling well. I despise being sick. But most of all I despise not being able to accomplish much in my day. I need the rest I know, so I'll shut my eyes and make the mess disappear for today. Perhaps I'll even get to the books my hands have been trying to grasp onto in these last few weeks of busyness. There's a brand new Smith Wigglesworth book calling my name from our dining room book shelf... along with at least three half finished others.
While also sick on the couch last night I read a bit from yet another book I'm reading and these few lines caught my attention:
"Christian service done for God may satisfy the soul for a period of time, but there comes a moment when the dry ground of the human spirit cries out for more than it has experienced before. Our tendency is to substitute form for reality, action for relationship and busyness for communion. Humility says that we must no longer substitue doing for being or religious fervor for spiritual reality. Humility drives us past religion-whether it be pageant, pilgrimage or penance. All of these can speak about God, but no religious form or symbol in the end can substitute for a personal encounter with the living God."
Ephesians 2:22 And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.
I've added just a few more wedding photos, for now.
Heather Dowling at 10:35 AM
Monday, January 23, 2006
Search Me
I believe God has heard my cry. He must look down at me with such a smile and say "Okay my dear Heather, I see your faith... now comes the schooling." My very heart poured out on my post last Friday is being tested in me today. But I'll grasp onto the words He put in my heart and in His Word. "Search me and know my heart"I never enjoyed shopping much as a little girl or even as a teenager, but it seems the older I get and recognize a bargain the more excited I get. Not to mention how much fun it is to buy boy clothes now. Or I should say, man clothes. My husband standing over 6 feet tall, hardly would be categorized as a "boy". Since my wonderful husband came into my life I've had the joy of purchasing clothes for him, which to me is lots of great fun. When little people start joining our Dowling family a budget of baby clothes MUST be set in, or there could be trouble! Saturday I joined my mother in law, Norine, and sister in law, Rushteen on a shopping adventure in Watertown. Lots of bags piled into the trunk and lots of smiles on our faces from lots of great deals. Good times.
Pastor Kevin has been speaking on breakthrough, which goes all well with my heart on this day until present. The atmosphere in our church is sweet. The Holy Spirit is moving and I stand firm on His promise in each area He has promised a breakthrough.
Though each area of my flesh would fight against my song today, I stand firm and sing at the top of my lungs:
How great is our God
Sing with me
How great is our God
And all will see
How great
How great
Is our God...
Heather Dowling at 12:45 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
"a frustrated missionary to the body of Christ"
The title of the post is quoted from a prophesy I received in September and is still pouring over me, especially today.I am in love. He supplies my every physical, spiritual, and emotional need. He holds me. He cares for me. He is more in love with me than I will ever be able to fathom. I love him not for what He gives me, but simply because of who He is. I love him because He rescued me from an eternity of pain and anguish. I love what He has given. A beautiful sunset, a frosted mountain, a smile. He has given me the ability to stand strong in the midst of grief, pain, and chaos. He builds me up. He makes me feel pretty. He makes me feel worth it. He makes me brave enough to tell others how to find this perfect love. I'm so in love. So very in love with Jesus Christ.
He has renewed my mind and made me realize in this last year just how precious His love is. Along with this I have fallen madly in love with him all over again and realize how pertinent being "in-love" with him just really is. His laws are perfect and I'm realizing how much I love them more and more each day. He knows what is best for me and I am honored that He has given me boundaries in order to protect me and aid me as I press on towards my goal…being with Him in holiness.
How could I not have joy when I'm so in love? It just isn't possible. Although, along with this joy comes frustration. A frustration as to why others aren't madly in love with Jesus Christ. Why aren't we allowing his laws to be engraved onto our hearts? Why aren't we standing out in a filthy world as salt and light? Why aren't we surrendering our lives to the God who so fearfully and wonderfully created us? It's all just quite a bit discouraging to see those we care for drag themselves through this life all the while Christ is offering to carry us. It's amazing how human I am in needing to see Christ worked out in others around me and not just in my tiny household. But this is the very reason God thought up the body of Christ. He's so intelligent. I'm not on top a soapbox of perfection. I'm a sinful by nature woman in a sinful by nature world grasping onto a holy God with all that is in me.
Jesus, keep me focused on you. Jesus, be the center. Jesus, carry me so others will see it is you and not me. I love you. Set our hearts on fire...
With my frustrations now vented...
I'm tentatively scheduling another ladies meeting like I had in the fall. I would love to hear some input on how March 4th would work for any ladies that would like to attend. Thanks!
Heather Dowling at 3:45 PM
Friday, January 13, 2006
a song in my step
Today is a good day. Everyday is a good day. But today is very good. It's over 60 degrees and I enjoyed a lovely walk with a lovely lady from work to a lovely restaurant for lunch. The sun is almost healing after months of gray skies.This day is also good beacuse I found a Neiman Marcus 100% pure cashmere ivory cardigan for $7.00. That's quite the deal!
Today is a good day because I have a good God walking beside me. That's all for today, I'm too wrapped up in the sunshine and warmth and my eagerness to step out the door of work at 5:00pm.
So many happenings are going on with people we love. We're praying for little 3-year old Kiersten for her little body to heal. We're praying for the Hugh's family (my sister in law's fiance's family) because of the death of Gary's mother. We're praying for Brietta to have her baby safely and quickly. Please pray along.
Heather Dowling at 2:53 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
In Each Storm
In a season of lack I will praise You.In sickness I will praise You.
In a moment of sorrow I will praise You.
In a time of question I will praise You.
In a season of lonliness I will praise You.
When things don't go exactly as I planned...
When winds blow and waves crash against my fleeting life...
When my flesh desires to complain or give up...
I will praise You.
My motives for giving glory to the Lord should reflect the character of Christ that is being perfected in me with each new day. I have a lovely home, a wonderful husband, beautiful belongings... but Jesus never said material wealth was the only sign of blessing. The Lord is my blessing and continues to be. No matter what I have or don't have, no matter where I am or where I am not... He deserves my praise just because of who He is. I'm learning a lesson that won't be soon forgotten - my ways are not always his ways. The most beautiful piece of this thought is that it's alright. It's alright because Christ is perfect and I am not. It's alright because He has my best interest in mind. It's alright because His guiding is exactly where I need to be. I'm encouraged today to praise the God who gave His perfect life for Heather Dowling even when it would seem to my flesh that there wouldn't be anything to praise Him for. I refuse to be robbed any longer.
When in North Carolina the worship leader at my parents church chose to sing "Trading My Sorrows". My first thought when that bass started in was "isn't this a bit old and overplayed- c'mon people". I was bouncing to this song years ago with Grace Levendusky by my side jumping all the way at each of her daddy's concerts. Yet, in the midst of that upbeat song was a young woman with her hands raised and tears streaming down her face. All because the truth was clear. I have traded my sorrows, my shame, my sickness, and my pain in exchange for his joy. I'm quickly learning that real joy comes when you can praise him in the midst of each storm.
I'm trading my sorrows. I'm trading my shame. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord.
I'm trading my sickness. I'm trading my pain. I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord.
Yes Lord...
I pray these words become real to all who read this.
Heather Dowling at 12:16 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
A fresh new page
I dove head first into this week with a restful weekend behind, a clean house, and a fresh mind for what the Lord could do in this year in my life and the lives of those around me.Our beautiful gold and burgandy decorations are in boxes in the basement and our yummy christmas candles have now been replaced with the aroma of hazelnut cream throughout my living room/dining room.
It's a new year, a new season, a new way of life and God calling me to wake from my slumber and join with him in the plans and promises He has for me in 2006. My new Monet calendar in my kitchen is already filling up quickly with plans and February won't be far behind. R.Jay and I celebrate 1 year next month. I've never had an anniversary to celebrate so this is sure to be lots of fun!
Heather Dowling at 3:48 PM
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
The hum of our car was peaceful and I opened my eyes only a moment to hear my husband say "I think we have a problem". The Washington Monument was towering over me as a lifted my head up to look out the car window. Yes, wrong turn. Our simple 10-11 hour surprise drive to North Carolina to visit my family turned into a 14-15 hour drive. All was well we arrived safely and with some fun stories and another check off my list of places to go before the Lord takes me home. Three young Guevara's were screaming and crying in joy at about 2:30pm on Saturday afternoon. I'm surprise an earthquake didn't erupt. We hugged and cried and hugged some more. We showered up and spent the afternoon sipping coffee in 60 degree weather on my parent's back deck... soaking in the moment. Which became just that, a moment... only to return to frigid tempatures that take your breath away last night.Nonetheless, we enjoyed our time in my parent's peaceful community in North Carolina. New Year's Day we hiked and played out doors with sun shining each moment and warm weather covering me like a big blanket. So nice. We ate outside for lunch at a restaurant. Yes, outside... unbelievably! Each time I walked outside of a store I braced myself for cold winds and biting chills, but to my surprise each time I was able to relax my tense shoulders and breath deep. Yes, I miss it. How could you tell?
We were there for Gina and Samuel's first day at their new Christian School. Very fun. I'm a very proud big sister. Is it really possible that they've grown this much since Thanksgiving. There must be an explanation for this maddness! Lots of giggles and lots of tickles and "please don't leaves" were shared. I love siblings. They're fun.
It was a good start to a brand new year. A new year full of surprises and adventures to be shared with new friends and a new family. R.Jay and I are rapidly approaching 1 year of marriage. How could it have already been 1 year? This life of change doesn't give you a moment to breath sometimes. But we try to savor each moment and each memory the best we can.
Now... suitcases need to be unpacked, the car needs to be cleaned, clothes washed and dried, meals prepared, house to clean, youth ministry schedules... the list goes on and I put my faith, hope, trust and lets not forget to add strength in the Lord. For he is my rock, and all other ground is sinking sand. I stand strong in Him.
Pictures from North Carolina.
Heather Dowling at 12:44 PM
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Visit PHOTOS (on the left of your screen) to see a little bit of our day today).
Happy New Years Day!
Heather Dowling at 7:00 PM