Tuesday, September 25, 2007
chubby baby
Annabelle is getting chunky. Her 1 week check-up (well, 9 day check up in our case) had her weighing in at 7lb. 10oz. We left the hospital last Monday morning with a 6lb. 7oz. baby. I'd say she's nursing just fine. She's also gained a 1/2in. in height, making her 19 1/2 inches long now.
Her soft skin is peeling which the nurse and doctor tell me is from her "cooking too long" and her "little raisin"(umbilical cord), as my Dad calls it, fell off at 6 days old. She eats like a champ, sleeps like a champ, and let me tell you... poops like a champ. I think these cheeks prove the weight gain...

Heather Dowling at 3:21 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
life with baby...
My cute family.
Daddy & Daughter
R.Jay left at 4am today for West Virginia for a work related trip. He'll return Thursday evening and Annabelle and I are missing him terribly.
Annabelle's first outing.
We took our cute baby to her Mom & Dad's favorite little restaurant in our town. She was a perfect angel. We even ventured out to the grocery store later than evening.
And just because she's super cute... how could I not show you this picture? I can't believe my baby is over a week old.
R.Jay built this toy box within a couple days. His special project for her first week home. Too cute.
Heather Dowling at 11:15 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
words can't express...

Some sweets about my sweet:
Annabelle makes the sweetest sounds. Hardly ever crying, her squeaks and coos are heart-melting.
Her big eyes follow her momma and daddy's voices so well. Her smiles are constant and she seems to smile most when daddy's mustache tickles her little face.
Her big cheeks are extra-kissable and we take full advantage of them.
She loves to be in motion. Her swing and vibrating chair are a couple of her favorites.
She is content most all of the time, enjoying nursing and cuddling with momma, daddy, and grandma Lucy.
She is absolutely amazing.

She enjoys her basket bed a whole lot. She only wakes up at night only to nurse and I can't believe how much I miss her from feeding to feeding.
She has eyes just like her daddy and a nose that looks like her momma's. She's tiny. So tiny. In fact, grandma Lucy made a special trip to pick up some preemie clothes for her beginning days.

My labor was an incredibly wonderful experience. Friday morning I woke up with contractions and had them throughout the day and into the night. Saturday morning by 3:30am I couldn't lay in bed any longer. My contractions picked up through the morning and by 10:00am they were 2 1/2-3 minutes apart and we where on the phone with our midwife, getting ready to head to the hospital. We arrived at about 11:30am and by 4:02 our sweet girl was born.
I still feel incredibly blessed at how fast (and quite easy) my labor was. No drugs were used and afterwards we enjoyed a nice dinner as a new family. I keep counting all the ways in which the Lord blessed us not only with a healthy, beautiful baby, but also with a healthy labor and delivery.

I love being a mom. I love watching R.Jay be Annabelle's daddy. I love my baby. I love my Lord.
Heather Dowling at 7:53 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Annabelle Rose Dowling

Since I'm altogether enthralled in my baby
and simply would rather snuggle with her
then be online...
I thought I'd share just how amazing she is
with you until I can put some of these
emotions and feelings into words that will
express God's blessing.
Enjoy her. We absolutely do.
Heather Dowling at 3:34 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Heather Dowling at 11:02 PM
She's Here!!!
Annabelle Rose Dowling was born at 4:02pm today!!! She is a perfect 6lbs 13 0z, 19 inches long!!! Mommy and Annabelle are doing wonderfully and resting well. Praise the Lord for this tiny miracle!!!Posted by Kathy for Heather
Heather Dowling at 7:08 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
one week over...
Much to my excitement I woke up this morning to find my belly a bit lower. One step closer to the big day. Yesterday began me whining about how uncomfortable this is getting. Now, its clear to me why they say by the end you're more than ready to go through labor, just to not be pregnant anymore. I'm trying not to complain, considering I've heard much more terrible "over-due" stories than mine.
I'm actually doing just great.
My mom is in an airplane, as I type, headed my way. I'm certainly hoping she doesn't have to wait around with me too long for Annabelle. I'd rather the majority of our time be spent 'oohing' and 'awwing' over the baby then trying to find things to pass the time in this little town.
My sister leaves for overseas tomorrow. While we're all excited for her 2 week adventure, I'm quite bummed that she won't be with me when I officially become a mom. *Sigh*
I've actually felt so good so far, that I've begun painting trim in the guest room, shampooing our carpets, and unpacking things still in boxes from moving. So... now that the things that I can still somewhat manage to do are done and the house is spotless...what am I going to do?
Heather Dowling at 3:36 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My midwife tells me I've had some early labor happening and this makes me ever-hopeful for a baby soon. The baby's head has completely descended and is ready for D-day. Her heartbeat is great, my blood-pressure is fantastic, my weight is right on target... and, well, that's about it. More waiting.Danica tells me the longer I go and the bigger she gets won't really effect my labor. So the idea of pushing out a 9.5lb baby my first time isn't so frightening anymore. Thanks. (In all reality, I doubt she's anywhere near 9.5lbs.)
My mom tells me she's tired of waiting. If we're still playing this "waiting game" by Thursday, my mom will hop on a plane and come wait with me. If we're not waiting until Thursday, I'll get to see her even sooner. I'm super excited.
My boredom tells me I need to do something different. So today all fall decorations came out of the basement and into my home. Better to do it now then in the midst of major company and some mommy-learning.
My mind tells me its been six years now. Six years since I first realized the reality of terrorists. Six years since I was in NYC listening to the saddest stories from strangers in a park. Six years since history was made in such awful actions from such lost souls. Six years since I saw Americans change their views and unite. Despite such a sad day, its now a day that make me ever more happy to say I'm proud to be an American.
Heather Dowling at 1:30 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
no baby yet
*Bummer. No complaints... even though braxton-hicks have started, I'd take being 4 days past-due and a bit uncomfortable over my first trimester ANY day.*This afternoon I'll see my midwife, and I'm hoping she'll be all-knowing and give me some great news, or at least some predictions. Probably not, she's only human, but one can hope.
*I'm trying to savour the last little bit of what "Annabelle felt like in Mama". All the while, I can't help thinking... 'okay kid, the longer you're in there, the bigger you'll be to push out'.
*R.Jay and I are about to be parents. Simply stated... "this is so cool".
Heather Dowling at 1:10 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007

I'm beyond bored and now the online shopping has begun.
I'm finding that the hardest thing about this part of pregnancy isn't being uncomfortable or sleepless (because honestly I feel great and get plenty of sleep), but its more the waiting. The waiting to finally hold that sweet baby you've waited and prayed so long for. The waiting to see all her wonderful features. The waiting to step into a whole new place in life only an amazing God could have planned. Isn't it silly how much I miss her???
P.S. Thanks to all who are faithfully praying (and checking this website) for me. I'll try hard to keep you updated!
Heather Dowling at 6:43 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I know, I know... the picture isn't fantastic and I've stolen her idea of "mirror-picture-taking" (what else can you do when you're home alone?), but at least my 40 week pregnant belly is clearly seen. If this pregnancy lasts a bit longer, like I imagine it will, I'll try and get a last pregnant (better) picture on here.
Yesterday's prenatal appointment brought just the news I was expecting... nothing. Other than a, so far, 33lb. weight gain this pregnancy and a little more dropping, my midwife couldn't offer any encouragement that she might be here soon. Looks like September 6th may come and go with no baby.
Oh well, I'm content on doing small household projects, getting ready for the flourish of company arriving after the long-awaited baby woman, and playing dominoes with my husband to pass the time. After all, the labor isn't the fun part... its all the kisses and lovings we get to throw Annabelle's way afterwards.
Heather Dowling at 2:12 PM